Unsure what is and isn’t forgivable in a relationship? Need a little confidence in your decision? Then here’s 7 behaviours you should never forgive in a relationship.
See, everyone’s allowed to make mistakes in a relationship. That’s natural and normal. No-one’s perfect. But when mistakes become habits – that becomes an issue.
And sometimes – it’s hard to know what is and isn’t likely to last, and what absolutely isn’t okay. (Especially if your partner tries to convince you otherwise.)
7 Behaviours You Should Never Forgive In a Relationship
As a brief intro and guideline, here’s 7 behaviours you should never forgive in a relationship.
Looking for specific advice on your current situation? Then book in a Power Hour Coaching Call. USE CODE UNFORGIVABLE50 for a massive 50% OFF (limited availability.)
See, we’ve been offering Specialist Relationship Advice for over half a decade now. We genuinely care bout you and don’t want you to have to go through this alone.
To find out more about how our coaching works, we also offer a FREE Discovery Call too.
So, what have we got? Well, when it comes to unforgivable behaviour in a relationship…
1) Consistent Emotional Abuse
Notice the word “consistent” here. This isn’t just the occasional name-calling. One of the behaviours you should never forgive in a relationship is CONSISTENT emotional abuse.
And this can sometimes be a pretty difficult one to spot because – in some cases – it can be quite subtle too, or just something you’ve got used to.
But if your partner seems to constantly knock you down, more than they lift you up; if they beat away at your self-esteem and make you feel unworthy or worthless even – it’s a clear sign to get out.

Types of Emotional Abuse:
And by the way – emotional abuse isn’t just harsh words and insults. Some of the different types of emotional abuse include:
- Gaslighting, or making someone question their own thinking or understanding of reality.
- Shifting the blame to the victim, for example by presenting insults as a joke.
- Criticism, humiliation or put-downs.
- Silent treatment, cold shouldering or guilt-tripping.
- Gradual isolation from family and friends.
- Controlling who someone can speak to, meet or spend time with.
- Suggesting the victim is mentally unstable. (Uh huh, you are NOT crazy – so don’t let your partner call you it, or make you think that you are.)

2) Pathological Lying
Relationships don’t work without trust and when there’s pathological lying – it’s almost impossible to trust the person.
This is one of the supposedly “obvious” behaviours you should never forgive in a relationship, but when you’re in a relationship with a pathological liar – it’s not always that easy or simple.
After all, they’re likely to down-play the lies, make excuses, or even hide many. But, this is your sign now to stop excusing it.
Of course, there will be white lies that may not be deal-breakers. That’s more just a bad relationship habit they need to break if it bothers you.
But if their lying is destroying the trust in your relationship and you know they won’t change – save yourself the time and heartache and get out – now!
3) Unreasonable / Severe Jealousy
A little jealousy in a relationship can be normal, healthy even.
But if they’re always jealous for no reason, to the point where it’s also becoming controlling – and they refuse to work through their issues and get professional help – it’s undoubtedly a sign to get out.
After all, this isn’t a behavior that can or will just magically change.
Helpful Tip: Notice the importance of your partner’s willingness and openness to change. As this could be a big deciding factor into whether you go or stay.
Are they taking responsibility for their behaviors? Are they opening up to it, genuinely remorseful and willing to work on it? Or not?

4) Obsessive Control
This one leads on from unreasonable / severe jealousy. It can happen as a result of jealousy, but is even more dangerous when it’s not…
Does your partner try to control what you think and do? Do they isolate you? Make you dependent on them? Resist you?
Then this should be a deal-breaker that you don’t overlook.
WARNING: This is far more than someone being controlling in a relationship. It’s a form of abuse. Notice the difference and severity of it.
5) Severe Disrespect or Crossing Boundaries
Now one thing you’ll notice with these behaviours you should never forgive in a relationship is that there’s likely to be cross-overs.
But that’s actually a helpful thing, as you can start to build a bigger picture of what your relationship is ACTUALLY like, and whether you need to get out…
Is your relationship broken? Does this seriously need to be the end?
Then you’re likely to see consistent boundary-crossing, a lack of care, and severe disrespect.
Again, this isn’t just that he doesn’t respect you enough. He / she is going one step further, quite frequently, to disrespect you and disregard what you say, what you want / need and how you feel.

6) Physical Abuse
If your partner has ever hit, kicked, slapped or punched you – it’s time to get out and promise yourself you won’t ever go back.
Love shouldn’t hurt. There is never an excuse for violence. And this is one of the biggest signs you’re in a toxic relationship, if – during heated argument – things are allowed to go that way.
Again, it goes back to setting boundaries. It should be clear from the get-go that this is absolutely never okay.
So know your worth my friends. Never accept physical abuse. And remember that – in most cases, it won’t ever stop. It will only get worse…
7) Consistent Cheating
For most people – if someone cheats once, they’re out, they’re done, it’s over. For others, it’s not always that black and white.
Ultimately you decide what you will and won’t forgive in your relationship and of course – you’ll weigh up ALL factors that could have come into play.
But one of the behaviours you should never forgive in a relationship is CONSISTENT cheating – when your partner does it over and over again.
Know your worth. Again, know that they’re not going to change. And get out so that you can find the love you truly want and deserve – one that is healthy, right and REAL.
After all, if your partner is consistently cheating on you, they certainly don’t respect or love you enough. And that’s something you should never settle for.

That’s All For This One
So there we have it – that rounds up the 7 behaviours you should never forgive in a relationship.
I hope this has started to help and provide the important reminders you need. 🖤
Don’t forget – if you’re looking for specific advice on your current situation, then you can also book in a Power Hour Coaching Call.
USE CODE UNFORGIVABLE50 for a massive 50% OFF (limited availability.)
We’ve been offering Specialist Relationship Advice for over half a decade now. We genuinely care bout you and don’t want you to have to go through this alone.
To find out more about how our coaching works, we also offer a FREE Discovery Call too.
Sending all my love, well wishes and care.
All the best,