45+ Christmas Date Ideas (You Have To Do This Year!)

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Looking for special Christmas date ideas you’ll always remember? Festive date ideas you’ll want to do again and again? Then we’ve rounded up our top 45 cute Christmas date ideas to make Christmas 2024, truly, the most magical time of the year.

From creating romantic DIY couples advent calendars to dashing around on a mad Santa-run; turning “Naughty or Nice” into a cute Christmas date idea and of course we can’t forget about the classic Christmas-Tree shopping…

See it’s time to pack out your calendars and create your very-own Christmas Date Bucket List. Christmas 2024 is about to become one you’ll ALWAYS remember.

After all, life’s too short not to. You should seize every day and every season! You with me on that one? Awesome. Then let’s get stuck in, shall we?

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Christmas Date Ideas for 2022

45+ (Super Special!) Christmas Date Ideas for 2024

Without further ado, here’s 45 of our very-favourite Christmas Date Ideas to make Christmas 2024 with your loved one, extra special.

Your challenge? To see how many you can tick off this festive season! So let’s go, go, go!

1) Head To A Christmas Market

First off, one of our favourite Christmas date ideas (that is an absolute classic!) is of course, heading to a Christmas market, otherwise known as a Holiday Market. 

The lights, the food, the stalls, the spirit. It’s also perfect as it’s seasonal.

This isn’t just a winter date idea, but something you can only ever do for 4-6 weeks of the year. This makes it extra special.

Have a wander, grab some mulled wine, try the traditional nibbles. You can also do a bit of Christmas shopping, lap up the atmosphere and enjoy the entertainment!

There’s always plenty of things to keep you busy at a Christmas market and it – well and truly – helps to get you into the Christmas spirit!

Festive Dates

2) Or a Christmas Show / Fair

Another thing well worth searching in your area, is a Christmas Show or Christmas Fair.

These are similar to Christmas Markets, but designed to gather retailers together – making your Christmas shopping far easier, with the most popular Christmas gifts, all in one place!

They often host entertainment and are great for getting you in the Christmas spirit!

christmas market

3) Visit a Winter Wonderland

Next up, we’ve got to recommend a Winter Wonderland event!

These often include Christmas markets anyway (too birds in one stone as they say!), but will also have rides, activities, shows, food, drink, music.

There’s some really big ones out there. Simply google “Winter Wonderland near me” and see what you can find.

festive date ideas

4) Go on a Frosty Festive Walk

If you’re looking for outdoor date ideas then you can’t go wrong with a frosty festive walk!

From man-made winter wonderlands, to the natural ones… If you live somewhere cold, you can find your own beauty in the scenery around you!

Head out on a frosty day, wrap up warm, and admire the beauty around you! It’s completely different to the events, but it really is a truly beautiful Christmas date idea.

It’s also why so many people, so often, go on festive walks on Christmas Day!

BONUS: Want to make it even more themed? Then make it a festive mistletoe walk, whereby you and your partner have to look out for mistletoe.

The first one to spot some, has to guide the other person under it, and plant that inevitable kiss! They then “WIN!” until you find the next one!

This is a really original Christmas date idea, so always try to think of fun little twists like this!

Xmas Date Ideas

5) Spend The Day Decorating as a Christmas Date Idea

Didn’t think decorating could be a date idea? Think again! It’s all about a bit of creativity.

See, you can make anything fun when you do it together. Get your stocks in, blast some Christmas music, maybe make some mulled wine to have with it.

For the outside, you want Christmas lights. (Of course. You can’t have a house without Christmas lights now, can you?!)

You may like to add a few outdoor Christmas decorations, like magical deers, a golden Santa’s sleigh, or maybe some outdoor inflatable Christmas decorations.

What a show-stopper that would create outside! Oh and don’t of course, forget the Christmas Wreath.

Inside, you’ve – of course – got your Christmas tree to get out and decorate, then you can sprinkle ivy across your bannisters and scatter Christmas decorations throughout your home.

The great thing is – you can make it festive in whatever way you like. It’s what feels nice and homely for you. So have fun with it!

christmas date ideas

6) Have a Christmas Crafts Night

So, as mentioned, a popular Christmas date idea at home, is getting your Christmas decorations out and decorating the house together. This is of course – an absolute must!

But if you want to make it super special – why not make a couple of new Christmas decorations to add to your collection?

This can then be a cute Christmas date in itself. What’s more, you can even turn it into an annual tradition – making a new decoration to add to the collection each year.

It could be anything from a DIY fabric Christmas ornament for your tree, or a DIY Christmas garland for around the home – whatever you like.

This Christmas date idea really allows for full creativity, so the choice is completely yours!

They don’t have to be perfect. In fact, if they’re NOT, they’re at least guaranteed to bring a smile to your face every time you bring them out. But that’s what makes it more special.

This is a super sweet idea and possibly one of our all-time favourite Christmas date ideas; also making a great Christmas Eve activity too!

christmas activities for couples

7) Go To a Local Christmas Lights Switch On

Want to make a Christmas Date Bucket List? Then a festive date idea you cannot miss, is your local Christmas Lights Switch on in your town / city.

Yes, they may not be as magical as the Christmas lights in Paris (how can you compete with the city of love?!)

But they can still be fun for everyone – all ages – and it’s one of the best Christmas date ideas to help to get you in the Christmas spirit!

christmas date ideas

8) Or Christmas Lights Show

On that note – if you do like looking at Christmas lights, check out the lights displays at local castles, houses or venues.

During the festive season they usually put on their own displays too, which are mighty impressive and super romantic to go to!

christmas lights show

9) Go Christmas Tree Shopping

Another essential Christmas date idea that you can most certainly only do once a year – is Christmas tree shopping.

This is perfect for couples who live together, or those looking to move in with a partner.

Again, it makes for the perfect cute annual Christmas tradition. Have a walk around the trees, wander on until you find that perfect one, and make a real trip out of it!

Make sure you snap some pictures on the way and again, collect them in a photo album for years to come.

Cute Things To Do At Christmas

Classic Christmas Date Ideas

10) Have a Christmas Games Night

Christmas is often a time that games are played. After all, it’s all about quality-time with loved ones.

So why not continue this, by doing a Christmas Games date night, during the lead-up to Christmas, too?

From festive trivia to Christmas Rush; pin the nose on the snowman, or play some of the games you know you’ll be playing on Christmas Day…

Get some practice in, ready to beat your family! (And no, it’s not cheating – it’s smart!)

festive date ideas

11) Or a Christmas Dance Night!

Another fun and different Christmas date idea, is to do a Christmas Dance Night.

See, there’s plenty of creative couples Christmas dance routines you can have a total laugh, learning together!

This helps to keep your relationship, fresh, playful, carefree and fun!

couples christmas dance

12) Make Christmas Shopping a Christmas Date!

Next up, for your Christmas date wish-list, it’s Christmas shopping!

Now I know what you’re thinking… this is a date?! Really?! Well yes, yes it is. Or at least, it can be if you want it to be (and do it in a way so that it FEELS like a Christmas date too!)

See, why not take the stress out of Christmas shopping by turning it into a cute, fun date with your partner?! You don’t let Christmas shopping become a chore…

Write a list of everything you need to get for friends and family, and see how many you can tick off. Make it a fun little mission, and work together on it!

Break it up with food, festive coffee (trying the different seasonal flavours that they have!) and finish it off by treating each other to an early Christmas present that you spotted!

In fact, why not surprise your partner with an early Christmas present, there and then?!

This will mean a lot if their love language is Receiving Gifts, and it will give you a warm, fuzzy feeling inside too!

christmas shopping

13) Christmas Coffee Date

The festive season brings heaps of seasonal festive flavours in coffee shops. From Gingerbread Latte to Black Forest Hot Chocolate. These are ones you cannot miss!

Got a miserable, cold, winters day on your hands? Then get yourself to a cute coffee shop and try one of their festive drinks.

You can do this whilst people watching, which is always especially interesting at this time of the year. Who is shopping for who? Turn it into a guessing game!

things to do at christmas

14) Make Christmas Hot Chocolates

Prefer to stay in, than go out? Then have a go at making some Christmas flavoured hot chocolates! There’s plenty of different recipes to try…

  • Simply each choose your own Christmas hot chocolate flavour (in secret!)
  • Then pull it together in a cute Christmas mug and present it to your partner!
  • Your partner can then rate it, comparing it to their own… So you should totally go all out with cream, marshmallows, sprinkles – the lot (if you want to try to win!)

But it’s perfect if you’re looking for last-minute date ideas, or fast Christmas activity, that you can squeeze in, almost anytime! Similarly…

christmas hot chocolate
christmas hot chocolate

15) Or… Make Mulled Wine

Throughout the ages, mulled wine was associated with good health, warmth, and happiness, all of which are also associated with Christmas.

For this reason, mulled wine has become a classic Christmas drink – that warms you up, both inside and out! (Psst, top tip – if you have a slow cooker, you can make and keep it in this! This is what we do. Nom, nom, nom.)

Making mulled wine is a simple but original Christmas date idea that’s fun, easy to do, and – again – can be done pretty much anytime, in the comfort of your own home, making it a great winter home date idea.

mulled wine

16) Have a Festive Movie Night

All those Christmas movies – it would be a shame to let them go to waste right?!

So if you’re looking for Christmas date ideas, then why not turn the standard “Netflix and chill” into a Christmas movie marathon?!

Yes, not all of the festive movies are the best. But most can guarantee a bit of light-hearted, feel-good enjoyment, perfect for this time of the year.

So cosy up by the fire if you’ve got one. If not, grab an indoor fire pit!

Get snuggled up in matching Christmas pyjamas even – (how cute are these?!), get some nibbles in, and enjoy that relaxed quality time together!

Cute Things To Do At Christmas
things to do at christmas
christmas date ideas

17) Go For a Christmas Meal

Who says Christmas dinner has to JUST be on Christmas Day? If you’re looking for foodie date ideas to extend the Christmas food delights then this is the date for you!

See, during the lead-up to Christmas, restaurants often have themed Christmas menus. Make the most of these by heading out with your partner for a romantic festive meal.

Got a lot of couple friends? Why not make it a group date? This then turns it into a real celebration and gets you altogether before you start to go your separate ways over the holidays!

christmas food ideas

18) Christmas Indoor Picnic

Looking for something a little more intimate and unique?

Then you have to consider a Christmas indoor picnic date! In fact, it’s got to be one of the best festive lunch date ideas, around.

Get in all your favourite Christmas nibbles that you just don’t have enough of on the day itself.

We’re talking sticky pork belly skewers, little puff pastries and of course you’ve got to get your monthly dose of pigs in blankets…

As you wrap yourselves up in blankets on the living room floor! (Ha!)

It’s sweet, fun and very-much memorable. Talking of which…

christmas canapés
christmas canapés
christmas food
christmas food ideas
christmas foodie ideas

19) Watch a Christmas Show

Like the theatre? Looking for an extra special Christmas date idea?

Then why not head to the theatre to watch a festive musical, performance or play? 

There’s plenty to choose from – both old and new. From “A Christmas Carol” to “Miracle on 34th Street”, right the way to “Elf” which is now in theatres.

These kind of events are great for getting you in the Christmas spirit! They also prove to be a very memorable Christmas date idea too. Win, win! On a similar note…

cute things to do at christmas

20) Go To The Ballet

We can’t mention Christmas shows without bringing up “The Nutcracker” Christmas Ballet.

This deserves it’s own spot on the list for magical Christmas date ideas, as it is truly that – especially when you get seats close to the front!

christmas time

Creative Christmas Date Ideas

Moving on slightly now, let’s look at some more “DIY” creative Christmas date ideas…

21) Do a “Naughty or Nice” Date!

Want to reminisce? Reflect on the year you’ve had? Then turn the classic “Naughty or Nice” concept, into your very creative Christmas Date!

Simply cosy up on the sofa and each take it in turns to share your best and worst bits of the year – both as individuals and as a couple.

  • Talk about the most romantic things you’ve done. Or your favourite dates, or favourite moments / memories so far – the ones you really treasure.
  • Talk about what you’ve learnt and how you’ve grown in the year; and the lessons / growth you notice in your partner too. (In fact fire-through these all-important yes or no questions to help probe the answers around that!)
  • You can also laugh about a few annoying habits you or your partner may still undoubtably have, using these funny couples questions.
  • And of course, reminisce on those wild, naughty moments you’ve both shared as a couple!

The great thing is – by opening up and sharing the things that you may have otherwise just kept in your head, it helps to keep you and your partner connected, and makes you feel closer to them.

In fact, never underestimate the power of questions to help you feel secure in a relationship. And what better time to do this and work on this, than at Christmas time?!

couples christmas ideas

Taking This Date One Step Further…

BONUS: If you wanted to go one step further – you could even use this time to create a scrapbook, gathering together all your favourite photos of the year.

This helps to give you prompts of things to talk about / focus on, if you’re struggling with.

And again, creating a scrapbook at Christmas whilst doing the Naughty or Nice reflections, could also become a very special and unique annual Christmas tradition!

Talking of things that are SWEET (in more ways than one!)…

Cute wintery dates

22) Do Some Festive Baking

Next up, next up, we’ve got to include festive baking in our top Christmas date ideas. It’s fun, simple, and there’s heaps you can go for.

From White Forest Meringue to a Brandy-Butter Yule log, your very own Homemade Christmas Pudding to the alternative – Sticky Toffee Pudding.

You could also go wild and get busy baking mince pies!

The most important thing is that you have fun doing it together, then cosy up to indulge once it’s done. Uh huh, it’s like a two part date idea – bake, then eat. Nom, nom, nom.

christmas date ideas
christmas nibbles

23) Make a Gingerbread House

Stepping it up another notch – if you want a real Christmas baking challenge, why not have a go at making (and decorating) your very own Gingerbread House?!

It’s a little harder and more technical but when you grab a Gingerbread Making Kit this makes it a lot easier.

This provides everything you need in terms of shapes, equipment, instructions, etc, to ensure it actually comes together how you envision!

Work as a team, or make one each. Either way, it’s a really nice Christmas date idea, perfect for filling a cold Sunday afternoon – or fitting in after work one evening to break up the week!

christmas date ideas
gingerbread house

24) Go For Christmas Afternoon Tea

Got a bit of a sweet tooth? But don’t want to have to do the “making part”?

Well, we don’t blame you! Instead, you may like to consider treating yourself to a festive Christmas-themed afternoon tea.

Afternoon teas are a real treat as it is – but when you go for a festive winter themed one, it’s even more of an experience.

Most hotels / restaurants will have their own Christmas decorations up to already set the scene. Then you’ll have a selection of sweet and savoury nibbles. Again, utterly delicious!

christmas food ideas
Christmas Date Ideas

25) Make Christmas Cocktails

Talking of tasty, Christmas Cocktail / Mocktail making is another no-brainer festive date idea during the holiday season.

Simply grab yourself a cocktail making kit, check out some cool – yet simple – Christmas cocktail recipes. Then have a laugh together, seeing what you can come up with!

Cocktail making is far more affordable when you do it at home, and just as fun – if not more!

It’s also more romantic, which is why it makes the list for one of the Top 12 Most Romantic New Year’s Eve Date Ideas too (if you’re thinking that far ahead!)

christmas drinks
festive date ideas

26) Go Ice-Skating

Another great Christmas date idea, when the world feels all-that-more magical, is to get your boots off and hit the ice for some skating!

Whether you’re good at it or not, it’s both a fun and a romantic activity. Talking of ice…

christmas date ideas

27) Hit an Ice Bar

Take the typical “drinking date” and step it up a notch, by heading to a themed ice bar. Ice bars after all, are bbrrrrr-illiant! (Excuse the pun!)

You’ll get shots in ice-glasses, but kitted out with gloves and a suit so you’ll barely feel a thing. It’s a real experience and a great date idea for this time of the year.

festive date ideas

28) Go Sledding

Talking of seasonal winter date ideas around Christmas time, if you’re lucky enough to get any snow, you just HAVE to go sledding… and no, snow activities aren’t just for kids!

I mean, what’s more fun and flirty than stating a good old snowball fight, then rolling around in the snow – feeling both HOT and (brr!) a little bit COLD, at the same time.

Because of course if you do have snow, you have to also throw snowballs, make snow angels and put your absolute all into crafting an epic snowman together!

All of these activities help to keep your relationship playful, whilst proving to be very different and fun… So if the season blesses you with snow – you certainly must make the most of it!

festive date ideas

29) Head To a Snow Dome

No snow? Then don’t let that stop you! Head to an Indoor Snowdome where you can do exactly the same things there… Only you’ll also have the option of giving skiing or snowboarding a go.

Uh huh, if you’re looking for more wild date ideas, learning something new here, should be right up your street!

things to do at christmas

30) Get Away in a Log Cabin for the Weekend

Ahhh, time for a treat and one of our all-time favourite Christmas date ideas. See, December is always a time with so much going on, but it’s important to also take time for the two of you.

A mini pre-Christmas winter getaway is therefore the perfect answer… and something you can turn into a tradition!

This also works especially well if you’re in a long distance relationship or won’t be spending Christmas Day itself together. Fear not! Because you can create your own mini Christmas Day there!

Find somewhere cute, cosy yet budget-friendly, get some easy oven-cooked Christmas nibbles (pigs in blankets are always a must!), light up that fire and just enjoy some quality time together.

Couples games are always a good idea. Here, try our Ultimate Couples Question Game (it’s free!) or our popular Couples Trivia Questions.

We’ve also pulled together 365 Deep Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend if you’re looking for more heart-to-heart conversations.

But, regardless of which you go for – these are all great starting points that keep you bonding and building that intimacy whilst on a magical break away!

christmas date ideas
christmas getaway ideas

31) Get Dressed Up For a Fancy Festive Event

What other special Christmas date suggestions have we got?

Well, making the most of the many very-glam Christmas events that are on this time of the year and getting yourselves dressed up, attending one of them!

From charity balls, to gala dinners, themed parties to fancy sit down meals – you’ll never be short of choice come the end of November / start of December.

So grab a group of you, or go with just your partner. Whatever you go for, it’s bound to be memorable! Speaking of which…

things to do as a couple at christmas

32) Go on a Husky Sleigh Ride

Now, a classic Christmas activity – is of course – going on a sleigh ride, right?! Only these are typically designed for kids, so aren’t always the most suitable Christmas date idea.

The alternative however, is a HUSKY SLEIGH RIDE (and these are just next-level when it comes to romantic experiences to share with your loved one!)

There’s actually more around than you may think (uh huh, you don’t actually have to go to lapland to be able to do one!) So have a search and see the closest one you can find… Then get ready to be whisked away by your loveable, furry friends!

festive date ideas

33) Go All Out With a Horse & Carriage Ride

Horse and carriage rides at Christmas are another adults-version of a sleigh ride!

They’re ultra romantic and great if you’re looking for anniversary date ideas around this time of the year too! After all, what better way to celebrate something than in your very own fairytale horse and carriage!

This is one date you definitely won’t be forgetting for a while… So be sure to put it on your Christmas Date Wish List!

date ideas at christmas

34) Go To a Candlelit Concert

Another Christmas date idea you may not have thought of, is the all-new growing-in-popularity, candlelit concerts that are taking cities by storm.

Here, classical musicians take to play well-known artists or songs, surrounded by hundreds of candles.

It’s incredibly magical, which in turn, makes it feel especially festive at this time of the year. (So another must-do Christmas date idea!)

christmas date ideas

35) Have a Christmas Photo Shoot

Next up, next up, another cracking Christmas date idea (yet ever so simple!) is to do a themed Christmas photo shoot.

Now, you don’t need anything fancy for this. Forget bringing in a professional! Instead, keep it super fun and relaxed by doing it yourself.

Just grab a Selfie Tripod (which comes with a button so you can click away to your hearts content!) You may actually want to get one with a Selfie Ring Light already attached (It’s all about the lighting right!?) Or you can buy lights separately. It’s totally up to you.

christmas photoshoot

Some Christmas themed photo ideas:

  • Get some fake snow and throw it up in the air at the same time! (Just make sure your flooring is covered as the background looks good. We recommend doing it in front of a white wall or Christmas tree, and create a carpet of fake snow from cotton underneath. Here, this works!)
  • You could also have a go at creating a snowball fight scene. If you get the “real stuff” and can do this outside… all the better!
  • What else can you have a go at? Well, a cute and cosy matching Christmas PJ’s shot never goes amis!
  • You could also try being tangled in scarves, fairy lights or tinsel together.
  • Or baking Christmas cookies (gone wrong) with flour everywhere!
  • If you’d rather go for “cute and soppy” how about a kiss under some mistletoe together?

There’s plenty you can do. There’s just a few ideas to get you started.

Try a few different ones, then print them out and put them in a photo album. (Again, making this a tradition by collecting them each year!)

Plus of course – share them on socials to warm the hearts of your friends and families. On this note…

things to do around Christmas

36) Make Homemade Christmas Cards

If you decided to go with the festive photoshoot idea, you HAVE to then put the photos to good use by making sweet, homemade Christmas cards from them.

This puts far more love and thought into the cards and is especially nice for your parents to be able to keep and collect!

Photos of you guys on a Christmas card, a little too much? Then have a go at designing some standard ones instead.

There’s plenty of Christmas Card Making Kits to give you everything you need, and it’s actually a super fun, creative festive activity!

things to do at christmas as a couple

37) Make Your Own Advent Calendars

Looking for more creative Christmas date ideas? Then how about this then?!

See, we all love the excitement of opening an advent calendar on the lead-up to Christmas, right? Or we used to, when we were kids anyway.

Well, why not bring the magic back – whilst still adding a bit of romance?

Our No.1 ORIGINAL CHRISTMAS DATE IDEA is therefore: creating your own advent calendars… Only we have a twist…

Because instead of filling them with just chocolates, you fill them with little love notes that your partner can open every single day, popping in the occasional present too!

In fact, go all out with creativity. Mix it up. You could have challenges, surprises, romantic dates you’ll plan for that night. You can literally make it your own.

cute couples christmas ideas

How It Works?

  1. Make the “Advent Calendar Creation” a Christmas themed date in itself. Set out a day, maybe a Sunday afternoon, put some music on, get all your goodies together and sit back-to-back creating one for each other.
  2. Whether you try to create the traditional advent calendar by buying a chocolate one from the store then changing it, or create a different type of one – perhaps numbered notes in a jar(?) – it really doesn’t matter. The choice is yours.
  3. All you need is 25 days of things to open for your partner… and get excited, because they’ll be doing the exact same thing for you!

This date idea really is a win, win, and WIN! Not only do you spend quality time together, but you then have a whole month of “treats!”

It’s what my partner and I did last year when we had to spend Christmas apart and it helped to make us feel so connected, every single day. It really is the date and gift that just keeps on giving!

Christmas crafts with your boyfriend

38) Create Your Own Couples Time Capsule

Flowing from one to the next here now then – if you like the sound of the DIY Couples Advent Calendars, then you will love the idea of a Christmas Time Capsule.

Simply get together, write a letter then bury it and open it next year.

This is best addressed to your partner. Write about the things you want to have with them, how you’d love the year to unfold, or where you dream to be – whatever flows from your heart…

But it just adds a little extra magic to this festive season, and is something you can look forward to throughout the year!

cute christmas ideas

39) Go On a Christmas Lights Walk

PHEW! We’re flying through these Christmas date ideas now, aren’t we? The thing is – sometimes, it’s the simplest things which are the best.

Stuck in on the evening? Looking for easy Christmas date ideas?

Then make the most of what’s right on your doorstep, getting all wrapped up and walking the streets, admiring the local Christmas decorations, hand in hand.

It’s a great date idea you can do anytime throughout December and may actually be pleasantly surprised by just how special it feels.

christmas decor

40) Make Your Own Ugly Christmas Sweaters

Now you didn’t think we’d get to the bottom of our list, without a mention of the classic ugly Christmas sweaters, did you?! No way, hose!

We all secretly love them. And if you don’t- you usually end up embracing them anyway!

So why not go one step further and make matching Ugly Christmas Sweaters together, as a Christmas date day? Sure, they may turn out EVEN UGLIER when you go “DIY!” but that’s part of the fun of it.

Making them too much? Then at least incorporate wearing them into one of your winter dates!

Gather some friends. Hold a mini Christmas Sweater party, or organise something out with the dress code “the uglier the sweater, the better!”

christmas activities for couples

41) Go Christmas Carolling

“Tis the season to be jolly… Sha, la, la, la, laaaa, la, la, la, la!”

Now I know what you’re thinking – Christmas Caroling?! Really?! Well yes, you read right. And don’t rule it out straight away…

Gather your mates. You’re never too old or young. And again – these different Christmas date ideas are the ones that will 100% be a Christmas date to remember.

Want to go one step further? Why not do it as a fundraiser for that extra feel-good factor?

christmas activities

42) Christmas Karaoke Night

Christmas Caroling not for you? Well okay then. The alternative? Christmas Karaoke.

Grab a karaoke machine for at home (they’re actually far more affordable than you’d think!), get those Christmas cocktails flowing (one of the ones we mentioned above even!) and practice your best Christmas song duets! It really helps to keep your relationship fun & exciting!

Singing not your thing? Then consider Christmas carol concerts. Just like shows, they’re actually very magical and moving!

Just be sure to fully embrace the Christmas spirit and all the musical magic that comes with it, as this is another great Christmas date idea – no matter what form you go for!

fun December date ideas

43) Do a Christmas Scavenger Hunt

Next on our list for the best Christmas date ideas, is a Christmas scavenger hunt.

Now, a scavenger hunt is all about finding hidden objects. Want to make it Christmas-themed? Then switch up the objects to something festive!

You can do it indoor, outdoor, on familiar grounds or unknown territories. Whatever you fancy. You can also grab this Christmas Scavenger Hunt Kit if you want to make your life far easier… or go DIY (depending on how much time you have!)

Either way a scavenger hunt is great for getting you in the festive spirit… It takes time and effort, but it’s well worth it.

things to do at christmas

44) Do a Mad Santa Dash!

Talking of dashing around, did you know that Santa-themed charity runs are a thing come December? Uh huh. Everyone dresses up in Santa costumes and does a set run.

It’s a great way to raise money for charity, giving back at a time of giving, whilst making lasting memories with your loved one!

santa run

45) Volunteer In a Soup Kitchen

Last but certainly not least, I want to throw out the suggestion of volunteering at a homeless shelter / soup kitchen as a Christmas date idea.

This is not the typical date idea and is often done when spending Christmas alone, but there’s no reason why you can’t volunteer together as a couple before.

In fact, it’s probably one of the most special festive date ideas you could do on this list.

It’s good to do good things for other people and – in my opinion – it’s something we should focus on even more!

christmas volunteering

That’s All For This One

So there we have it, that round up our list of festive favourites when it comes to the best Christmas date ideas for 2024.

How will you be celebrating this year? We’d love to hear.

Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, we wish you a very happy festive season.

All the best!


Christmas Date Ideas 2023
Christmas Date Ideas
Photo of author
Ella Stearn
Ell is a Breakup, Dating & Relationship Specialist & Coach, gaining over 7.5 million global readers to date. As the Creator of Forgetting Fairytales, her mission is to help you learn to love yourself, find the right person to give your love to, then make it a love that truly lasts.

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