25+ Different Types of Kisses (That Will Blow Your Mind!)

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Want to spice up your relationship? Feel closer to your partner? Then here’s 25+ different types of kisses you have to try… That will seriously blow your mind!

See, different kisses bring different things to the table, and believe it or not, there’s actually far more different types of kisses than you would think.

So be brave, get experimental and give these a try…

25+ Different Types of Kisses (You Have To Try)

In no particular order, here’s 25 different types of kisses you have to try…

1) The Lip Kiss

Let’s start simple. First up, it’s the classic lip kiss. What you do? Well, you guessed it, simply kiss your partners lips.

Try taking it in turns first – they kiss your lips and you kiss yours. Then notice the difference when you both kiss together. How does it make you feel?

2) The Single-Lip Kiss

To make things a little more “technical” you can actually try the single-lip kiss which is a specific variant of the classic lip kiss.

This kiss involves kissing your partner’s bottom lip while they kiss your top lip, or vice-versa.

This type of kiss is a playful tease (and can be pretty powerful) so it’s definitely one of the different types of kisses that you HAVE to give a go!

3) The Peck Kiss

Now purely as an act of comparison, I want you to try the peck kiss. This is like the lip kiss, only far faster… It’s just a little peck!

The Peck Kiss is lighter and not especially passionate; it’s more friendly than anything.

Take it in turns to give each other a peck (both individually, then together), then jump back to the lip kiss to really notice the difference and be able to compare.

Doesn’t it feel so much better when it has a little more meaning?

different kisses

4) The Prolonged Kiss

On the flip side, have a go at trying a more passionate prolonged kiss, where your CHALLENGE is to see who can last the longest before pulling away.

Don’t do it like a chore, make it so good neither of you want to pull back!

Imagine if you’ve not seen each other for a year – the prolonged kiss it that sort of kiss.

It’s got passion, movement and real meaning. Do it right and this is actually one of the easiest most effective ways to build intimacy in your relationship

5) The Cheek Kiss

Another classic is the cheek kiss. This has a similar level of intimacy as simple lip kisses, only it’s – of course – on the cheek.

Take it in turns to kiss each other’s cheek. How did that feel different to the lip kiss? Did you like it more or less? In what ways? Be sure to discuss!

6) The Forehead Kiss

The forehead kiss is definitely an old favourite. Kiss your partner on the forehead, then let them kiss yours. This is a nice one when one of you is leaving the room, or one of you is falling asleep before the other.

The alternative is the top of the head, but we kind the forehead just that little bit more intimate. Try both and decide for yourself!

The forehead kiss can also be sweet as a caring gesture as it’s incredibly tender. It makes you feel cared about and looked after, right? Discuss how the forehead kiss makes you feel.

how to become a better kisser

7) The Hand Kiss

Keeping with the romance, the hand kiss may remind you of something out of a romantic period drama, but it actually feels really good and it’s nice to get back to those good, old-fashioned roots every now and then!

Take it in turns to kiss each other’s hand and notice how it feels. Perhaps try working your way back up their arm, to their neck and then their lips, to escalate it further, or keep it short but sweet – it’s entirely up to you! Going one step further…

8) The Wrist Kiss

The wrist kiss is actually one of the different types of kisses that are surprisingly sensual!

It’s like the hotter version of the hand kiss, as it’s more sensitive with the blood running through your veins!

Start by kissing the palm then work your way along the wrist and see where the kisses take you…

9) The Neck Kiss

The neck kiss is usually a popular one. In fact, it can be an incredibly simple yet effective way to turn your partner on when done properly, as it’s a very sensitive area.

Take it in turns to not only kiss each other’s neck, but experiment with the different ways in which you can kiss it.

Experiment until you find what feels the best for your partner and notice just how much it improves your physical intimacy!

10) The Jawline Kiss

Similarly, the jawline kiss can be super sensual, and an interesting way to switch things up in the middle of a make-out.

Gently kiss around their mouth and up their jawline, slightly teasing before you make your way to their neck, earlobe, or lips. Speaking of which…

Different Types of Kisses

11) The Ear / Earlobe Kiss

Another sensitive spot is the ear or earlobe (believe it or not!)

So do the same as with the neck kiss and experiment to see if, and how, your partner likes to be kissed on the ear and earlobe.

NOTE: You may find a suck or nibble works well in this area too! This leads us onto…

12) The Bite Kiss

Now when we say bite kiss, you don’t want to bite as if you haven’t eaten for a week!

Instead, it should be more of a sensual, seductive nibble. Experiment with bite kisses – on your partner’s earlobe, on their neck and even together, whilst kissing each other on the lips.

Discuss how it makes you feel. Is this a preference of yours?

13) The Lick Kiss

Build anticipation with your partner by leaning in for a kiss but instead tracing the outline of their lips with your tongue.

This works especially well if you’ve planned one of these saucy surprises for your partner! Talking of building anticipation…

14) The Body Kiss

The body kiss is actually one of the different types of kisses that can be broken down even further, homing in on specific areas – like the stomach, the legs, the upper thigh.

Think – where’s sensitive? Then try kissing there.

To experiment with the body kiss, have a go at kissing your partner on different body parts and get them to rate the kisses on a scale of 1-10 for how good each area feels!

This is actually something that should go onto your date night bucket list as it’s a lot of fun.

first kiss

15) The Suck Kiss

Now the suck kiss is typically used on body parts, too, but maybe start with the most common areas like the neck or ears.

Try gently sucking the ear lobe and the neck (but not so much that you’re at a risk of giving a love bite – no, no, no, they tend to be frowned upon!)

Does it feel good? Talk about it. By experimenting like this and then speaking it through, you’re building intimacy on so many different levels!

(Because remember – there’s different types of intimacy that your relationship needs and you can actually build your emotional connection alongside the physical by doing this, too.)

16) The Breath Kiss

Talking of connection if you want to feel a connection with your partner on a whole new level, then this is one of the different types of kisses you HAVE to do.

See, breath kissing with your partner can be a great way to build intimacy.

While kissing, match your breathing with your partner’s. When they inhale, you inhale.

It’s a totally different experience if you’ve never done it before and certainly helps you to feel closer to your partner!

17) The French Kiss

Ah the French kiss – this is a timeless and passionate gesture of romantic affection.

Sometimes referred to as the tongue kiss, a French kiss is an amorous kiss in which you use your tongues, extending them inside each other’s mouth.

(It sounds harder to explain than it is to do, and for most couples – it comes naturally!)

Have fun experimenting with this classic kiss, using different amounts of tongue insertion and movement, until you find the most mind-blowing French kiss that suits the two of you best!

Different Types of Kisses

18) The Wet Kiss

Now believe it or not, but the wet kiss isn’t the French Kiss gone wrong – some actually like it!

The wet kiss is an open-mouthed kiss that can involve as little or as much tongue as you and your partner want.

These kisses are typically reserved for passionate embraces and indicate desire for your partner… Or so they say!

19) The Butterfly Kiss

Now the butterfly kiss isn’t actually a kiss with your lips at all. Instead, it is when you flutter your eyelashes against your partner’s eyes or face.

It feels like they’re being kissed by butterfly wings and, believe it or not but it’s actually quite sweet! Similarly…

20) The Angel Kiss

The angel kiss is when someone gently kisses the other person’s eyelid.

It sounds uncommon, but it can be very comforting and so is definitely one of the different types of kisses that you have to try, because it may well just surprise you.

21) The Nose Kiss

It’s time to get your noses involved! (Uh huh, we told you we were covering all basis to help you find what you enjoy!)

Now, a nose kiss can mean be lips-to-nose kisses or nose-to-nose rubbing. Nose to nose rubbing is actually better known as an eskimo kiss. But try both! They can be pretty cute and fun!

kissing techniques

22) The Lizard Kiss

From cute to down-right crazy (some might say!) the Lizard Kiss is basically the more intense version of a French kiss, whereby you stick your tongue in and out of your partner’s mouth at a quick pace.

It’s certainly, uh… different! But is a fun one to try that leads to a lot of giggles. Remember, it’s important to be playful in a relationship! Talking of playful kisses to try…

23) The Shower Kiss

Next up, it’s the shower kiss and – that’s right, you guessed it – it’s when you passionately kiss in the shower.

Now, strictly speaking, you could kiss in the rain instead (it’s like a movie scene all over again!)

All you really need is water running down your faces, but combine this with the heat and steam… And that’s where it becomes all the more sensual! 

24) The Spiderman Kiss

Another movie moment is when you recreate the classic upside down kiss from Spiderman.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to hang from the ceiling, you can do this whilst lying down. It’s fun, flirty and definitely one of the different types of kisses you have to try.

different places to kiss

25) The Ice Cube Kiss

Last but not least, we want to throw in the ice cube kiss to encourage you to get a little experimental!

Keep an ice cube in your mouth until it dissolves and then French kiss your partner.

This combination of the hot and cold really is one to BLOW YOUR MIND! Try it for yourselves and see!

That’s All For This One

So there we have it – 25+ different types of kisses you have to try. Have you been surprised by how many actually blew your mind?!

See there’s far more ways to kiss than you probably realised, and this is just the start…

See what other types of kisses you’ve done which we’ve not mentioned here, or have a go at creating / explaining your own types of kisses.

It really helps to prevent intimacy issues in the bedroom (and beyond!), whilst being a fun, simple bonding exercise for you and your partner… So really embrace it – get stuck in!

That’s all for now. Good luck!


different types of kisses
Photo of author
Ella Stearn
Ell is a Breakup, Dating & Relationship Specialist & Coach, gaining over 7.5 million global readers to date. As the Creator of Forgetting Fairytales, her mission is to help you learn to love yourself, find the right person to give your love to, then make it a love that truly lasts.

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