Want to keep your relationship healthy and healthy? Then here’s 7 small (but incredibly powerful) healthy relationship habits you must do daily, if you want your relationship to last.
7 Healthy Relationship Habits (You Must Do, Daily!)
See we’ve recognised how to identify and break bad relationship habits – the things you SHOULDN’T do in a relationship and which don’t support you.
But what are the small things you should – and must! – do in your relationship if you want it to really last? Well, in this post, we’re breaking it down, with the top 7 essentials.
Think of it like your tick-list! See when it comes to healthy relationship habits, you should always aim to:
1) Kiss & Cuddle, Every Morning & Every Night
And – by the way – we’re not talking a peck like you’d give your gran on the cheek! A proper kiss. One where you physically FEEL that chemistry and connection.
Every morning before you leave for work, get into the habit of kissing each other (properly!) goodbye. And then again – every night before you go to sleep, have that kiss goodnight.
There’s so many different types of kisses so experiment, try them out, mix it up a bit!
If you can combine this with a cuddle (even if it’s a quick 2 minute one before you get out of bed in the morning, and again before you roll over to sleep), then all the better.
See, even if it’s not your love language, intimacy is important and although there’s different types of intimacy, it’s an easy way to get a small dose of physical intimacy in, daily.
Put your alarm on 5 mins earlier if you need, and connect before rushing off. It also means, no matter how much you have going on, you ALWAYS make time for each other.
Remember, quality time in a relationship can come in small doses too!

2) Say “I Love You”, Often
As a bare minimum, you should be telling your partner that you love them, every single day. It’s one of the standard yet essential healthy relationship habits, whether you’re together or apart.
There’s no limit to how many times you can or should say “I love you”, and remember – there’s different ways to say I love you, too.
Get into the habit of sharing and expressing your love, naturally and freely.
If your partner’s love language is Words of Affirmation, this really will mean the world. And even if it’s not, it’s still important to express and feel the love!
The more you say it, the easier it is to say it, and the more naturally it comes.
E.G. Taking your partner a coffee in bed? Combine this with a quick kiss on the head (healthy habit no.1!) and an “I love you.” It’s simple, easy, yet helps to keep you far more connected.

3) Express Gratitude
Next up, let’s look at gratitude. See, studies have actually explored the importance of gratitude in a relationship.
Harvard Health shows that couples who show gratitude for their partner, and who express that gratitude regularly, feel more positively towards their partner.
It makes a significant, noticeable difference in your relationship, making it a PROVEN healthy relationship habit, you must prioritise!
Get into the habit of saying thank you to your partner – for the big things they do, the little things they do, and even for simply being who they are and making you feel the way you do.
For instance:
- Thank them for the chores they do, even if they do them every day. Thank them daily. Show them it doesn’t go unnoticed and unappreciated, even if you do your own too!
- Compliment them for the great work they do. This is another way to show gratitude without directly saying the words “thank you.”
- Recognise the things they do for you, the things they do for others you love, and the things they think you probably don’t even notice!
You should be lifting each other up! An attitude of gratitude also helps to spread so much more love, and it gets YOU noticing and appreciating everything, too.

4) Check In With Your Partner
What else have we got? Well, when it comes to healthy relationship habits, checking in with your partner is an absolute must.
Ask how their day has been, every single day. Not just as a dull conversation starter but because you genuinely care and are genuinely interested.
You can also check in on how they’re feeling. Ask deep questions, have deep conversations to again, keep you feeling more connected and closer to your partner.
What are they working towards right now? How do they feel in both themselves and their life? Where are they at with everything? What makes them happy even?
It doesn’t always have to be the tough relationship questions that you ask. (Although it’s important to ask these too, to check in on where they’re at in terms of the relationship.)
But ask a mix of essential relationship questions, daily check in questions, deep thoughtful questions and just general questions too…
Keep learning about each other and aiming to understand each other more.

5) Express How You Feel / What You Need
Now here’s a healthy relationship habit you may not have expected, but – just like asking questions – expressing how you feel, what you want, what you need and where you’re at, is just as important too.
This doesn’t mean you have to be constantly be on your partners case, or picking up on every single thing.
But it goes back to having healthy communication and communicating the small things in the right way so that they don’t build into big things, with your needs not being met.
You need to make it a habit to ask for what you need, and ensure both yours and your partners needs are being met.
Don’t just assume your partner knows how you feel, or think “I’ve told them this before.”
They have a lot going on too. So remind them in a nice, calm way, when you need to express something that is important to you, or on your mind.
Then praise and appreciate when they really listen to you. (Which goes back to healthy habit no. 3 right?!)
Remember: you’re a TEAM… So act like it!
Work together, create boundaries, set expectations and compromise when you need, to ensure you end up on the same page with a healthy, happy balance and an open, honest, fulfilling relationship.

6) Always Resolve Conflict
Arguments and disagreements are normal in a relationship. Hey, maybe sometimes you or your partner, aren’t always in the best of moods.
It goes back to healthy habit no. 5 of being able to communicate.
But if something happens between the two of you, make it a healthy relationship habit to take the space you need, then always resolve it.
Let the dust settle, then simply talk it through and let it go.
In fact, learning to let things go in a relationship is essential.
Whether it’s big and takes more work, or something small – don’t hold grudges that build into resentment. That’s the fastest way to a toxic relationship!
So address it, work through it. And never, I repeat – NEVER, go to bed on an argument.
Life’s too short for that, and your love is far more important!

7) Laugh Daily
Last but not least then, the simplest (but surprisingly effective) healthy relationship habit, that – actually – shouldn’t be too hard to do… Is to have fun and laugh with your partner daily!
See, your partner should be your best friend! And even on the tough days, the rough days, the hard times, you should still be able to find small ways to smile and laugh together!
Get more playful, let your guard down, joke around, be silly… Because if there’s one person you can be your care-free silly self with – it’s your partner!
Use our funny relationship questions if you need.
Just remember, laughter is known to trigger endorphins, which are the body’s natural opiates, so laughter leads to feelings of happiness in yourself and your relationship – keeping the two of you, happier and stronger than ever!

That’s All For This One
So there we have it! That rounds up the 7 small, simple – but incredibly healthy – relationship habits, you must do daily.
How many of these do you already do? And which do you think will be the biggest game-changer for your relationship? Let us know in the comments box below!
Keep learning, growing and becoming the best partner that you can be, to continue building the relationship that you deserve.
Sending all my very best wishes!

Your writing is consistently exceptional. Thanks for another great post!