Looking for powerful I am loved affirmations, that you can use to FEEL loved, whenever you need? Then you’re in the right place. Here’s 25 powerful I am loved affirmations, how to use them – plus why they actually work. So let’s start from the top, shall we?
What Are Affirmations?
So first up, before we get into our I am loved affirmations, you may be wondering what an affirmation actually is.
Well, essentially, affirmations are short, powerful statements or phrases that are repeated, consistently, to help you foster particular beliefs or challenge negative / unhelpful thoughts.
I am loved affirmations are therefore statements, solely focusing on feeling loved, giving you the power to feel it and believe it – even if others don’t or can’t, always express it.

How Do I Am Loved Affirmations, Make You Feel Loved?
Now you may think, “just saying something doesn’t make it true!” And hey – “just because I tell myself I am loved, it doesn’t mean I’ll feel it.”
And yes, that is true. It’s not quite as simple as that, is it?
But when you say it and believe it (because you also know – deep down – it is true), then you’re basically better embedding the truth in your mind…
Also, believe it or not, but affirmations are proved by science, to be more powerful than you may think. See, a study published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (1) used MRI to reveal that:
“practising self-affirmation activates the reward centres in your brain.”
This means that saying, “I am loved” may not automatically actually make you genuinely FEEL that way. But (and this is a big but!) – it will light up the same reward system in your brain, that would be triggered if you DID feel loved by someone else’s actions.
See, affirmations fire up your neural pathways. They make changes to the areas of the brain that make you happy and positive…
And so you’re kind of “kidding yourself” into experiencing it through the words you say. However, as you’ll also know deep down that it is true anyway, with this extra “proof” it only further maximises the effect…

How To Make I Am Loved Affirmations More Effective
Here’s a clever trick for you now then! If you want I make your I am love affirmations more effective:
- Open a new “notes” tab on your phone and write down:
– All the reasons why you know that you are loved.
– The people you know who love you (particularly the ones whose love is the most genuine, real and means the most to you.)
– The things people in your life have done, to make you feel loved. - You can then re-read this before / after saying your I am loved affirmations. This will be the back-up “evidence” as to why you know it’s true.
How To Use I Am Loved Affirmations
I am loved affirmations are best used when you don’t feel loved, or need reminding that you’re loved. That’s when they will be the most helpful. For example:
If you struggle with trust in a relationship, and your partner is in a situation you’d usually stress out about – you can use the I am loved affirmations to calm your mind and feel more secure in your relationship.
Or on the flip side, let’s say you’re single – but dating – and have a bad date. Maybe you’ve been stood up, or have to deal with rejection, the I am loved affirmations are then there to lift you back up!
Now of course, I am loved affirmations also be used day to day, whenever you need…
After all, feeling loved is a pretty nice feeling. So why limit this?
Imagine waking up feeling loved, going to bed feeling loved and feeling loved when you’re with others or not. (Whatever the time or place – it doesn’t matter!)

So, when it comes to how to use I am loved affirmations, we recommend:
- Embedding them into your morning routine.
- And / or embedding them into your evening routine.
- Setting reminders to use them during stressful / anxious times.
- Getting into the habit of using them before you react to certain situations.
- Using them to change your state / mood, as and when you need.
- … And just generally, making them a bigger part of your life!
Why Is It Important To Feel Loved?
It’s important to feel loved, as feeling loved is an essential human need.
All of us have an intense desire to be loved and nurtured. It’s embedded within us and ties in with our basic, natural survival instincts.
I mean, feeling loved benefits your mind, your wellbeing and even your body. Uh huh.
When you feel loved you have a stronger immune system. You also have a lower blood pressure and higher pain threshold – to mention just a few health benefits.
What’s more, when you feel loved, you feel less pressure, less lonely, you’re less anxiety, feel more secure, are able to be more confident and feel – as a whole – far happier in yourself and your life.
When you’re happier you can be the best version of yourself. This includes both in a relationship, or when dating, if you’re single.
So the importance of feeling loved really is something that’s massively underestimated…
The good news is, there’s plenty of things you can do to feel loved… Starting with these powerful I am loved affirmations. So let’s get stuck in, shall we?

25 Powerful I Am Loved Affirmations
Here’s 25 powerful I am loved affirmations, but here’s the deal…
The best I am loved affirmations are the ones which really SPEAK to you… The ones which come from the heart, connect to you, relate to you and which best ring true to you.
So read these for inspiration. But then feel free to tweak them as you need, so that you end up with your very own, personalised I am loved affirmations.
You can also LISTEN to our “I Am Loved Affirmations” on Youtube, following along and repeating it daily:
See, you want to remind yourself things like…
1) I am loved. (Of course!) I know that I am loved.
Say it again, over and over….
2) I am open to love in all forms.
3) My partner / my friends / my family often show me their love. (And I need to remember this in times like these.)
4) I’ve felt their love many times before. And there’s no reason why I can’t or shouldn’t feel it now.
5) The more love I give, the more love I receive.
6) True love doesn’t change. It will always remain.

Let’s Keep Them Coming…
7) My partner / my friends / my family are not going to leave me. I am safe.
8) It’s okay if my partner / my friends / my family, show me love in different ways. It doesn’t mean they love me any less than I love them.
(Psst, on that note, it may be useful to understand the different types of love languages, as you’ll then realise that it’s actually perfectly normal for different people to give and receive love in different ways!)
9) It’s okay if my partner / my friends / my family, find it harder to show or express their love than me. It doesn’t mean they don’t feel the same way.
10) I am loved just as fully and deeply, as I give my love.
11) There is so much love in my life.
12) I am surrounded by love. It’s all around me. (I just have to make sure I notice it!)
I Am Loved Affirmations
13) I am so grateful for the love I have in my life. Or: I am so grateful for the love I have from my partner / my friends / my family.
14) I never need to doubt how much I am loved.
15) It’s okay to give my love fully and freely to this person. (After all, it is indeed, returned.)
16) I am in a wonderful, loving and RIGHT relationship… And I will not let anything change that.
17) This doubt is a battle of my mind. It’s not a reflection of how much I truly am loved.
(After all, it could be your limiting beliefs around love that are holding you back here. You should too, work on this, in order to feel the love you deserve to feel, with the simplicity and ease that should come with it.)
18) I am loved for everything and all that I am.

Let’s Keep Them Coming…
19) I am loved fully and completely.
20) Of course I am loved – I am loveable and completely worthy of love!
21) I am letting love into my life. My heart is open.
22) Love can be felt in even the smallest of ways, from all kinds of people.
(Including yourself! To help you increase the love you feel within, I highly recommend these self love books for women… It will genuinely change your life!)
23) There will never be a shortage of love. I will always have at least one reason to feel loved.
24) I deserve to feel this love.
25) Love starts with me…
(Remember, in order to feel the true levels of love you have and deserve in your life, you have to also have that love for yourself and know your worth.
So hey – maybe this should be the start of your self love journey? Why not move onto our self love challenge next?)
That’s All For This One
So there we have it – 25 powerful I am loved affirmations, to help you feel loved, whenever you need. Use them, tweak them, then repeat, repeat, repeat them.
I hope you found this valuable. Good luck! Wishing you all the best.