So, you’ve decided you want to work on yourself. Wahoo – great stuff! Then comes the question, well, where do I start? What should I do? Luckily, any time spent on personal development is time well spent. However, I’m going to quickly outline the key areas for self-improvement – to help you get the ideas flowing and the action going. (Aha – see what I did there?!)
The Key Areas For Self Improvement
So let’s jump straight in. The seven key areas for self improvement to get you started. We’ve got…
#1 Relationships
Well it would be rude NOT to start off with this one right?! When it comes to self-improvement in relationships, it’s all about looking at where your issues lie and what you could work on to enhance the relationship that you’re in. Write a list, outline everything – then take responsibility and face up to these things, one by one.
For example, you might find that you create a lot of arguments because ultimately – you struggle with your insecurities. From here you’d get to the root of the problem to identify what exactly they are, where they have come from and the things you can do to start to remove them
Now I’ve got to warn you – internal work like this can be pretty confronting. But that makes it all the more rewarding when you manage to overcome it!
Your relationship with others also falls under this category – so think about how you can improve your relationships with friends, family members, co-workers even. The same system applies – find the problem, see where it’s coming from then tackle it head on!
#2 Health
Health is wealth as they say and without it, you have nothing. I therefore think it’s a key area for self improvement and something we should all prioritise – looking at how we can better look after our body.
This can be in terms of diet, and fitness of course (which we’ll come onto next) but there’s also other elements that come into it.
How can we lower our stress levels? How can we get a better sleep? How can we work on our mindset to make us mentally stronger? How can we work on our mental wellbeing in general?
Pick an area and become a master at it! Research, try different things and see what works for you. You’ll know because you’ll notice the difference and therefore start to reap the rewards.

#3 Fitness
Next up then – a specific focus on fitness is always a great area for self improvement. This will not only impact your health and wellbeing – both mentally and physically. But you’ll also then notice a knock-on effect when it comes to your confidence and just generally how you feel about yourself.
Weight loss is always a big thing. But even just starting by getting into fitness for mental wellbeing is a good place to go. And if you cut the calories a touch and become more aware of the calorie deficit you want to create at the time time, you’ll find the weight really starts to come off you!
There’s something for everyone when it comes to self improvement in fitness. Do what excites you… or at the very least motivates you! Set a goal, work towards it, then feel damn proud of yourself after.
#4 Finances
Don’t groan – saving can be fun you know! In fact, getting a grip on your finances has got to be a key area for self-improvement, because it has such a big impact on so many aspects of your life.
Identify what you’re bad at, look at what you could be better at and then get firmer with your money-management.
If you have some bad spending habits, see how you can curb these. If you find your debts are growing, take control before they start to escalate. Not even thought about saving or investing?! Then nows the time!
#5 Business
This leads me onto my next key area for self improvement… business!
Whether that’s a business you currently have, or a business you’re looking to start, it works either way. However, we’re not looking at what you can do in your business, but what you can work on in yourself to make you better at business. You see the difference?
So it might be swatting up on your marketing skills, learning how to sell better, mastering some cold calls, improving your public speaking. The list could go on and on.
It’s awesome because not only will it benefit your business and the success you have within that, but it will also improve your overall confidence – like many of the things in this list. There’s always that knock-on effect.
Is confidence something you struggle with? Then click here for how to boost your confidence almost instantly!

#6 Knowledge
I’m coming out with all the sayings on this one, but as they say… knowledge is power!
If you want to improve yourself, improve your understanding of things. This could be specific areas of self-improvement – swatting up to learn more about a certain topic and then applying it. Or you could just improve your knowledge in general.
You can go for the self-taught route, or take courses, get qualifications, learn from others. There’s plenty of options. Find what works for you. This moves me onto my next key area for self improvement which is…
#7 Skills
Improving your skillset is always a good idea! These might be soft skills like communication, problem solving, emotional intelligence, teamwork etc. And this is great because these kind of skills can be utilised not only at work but also at home.
You might also like to develop some skills and turn them into passions or hobbies. Learn something new – see what it teaches you, but more importantly, just do it out of enjoyment. Life is all about doing the things that we love and figuring out what we love… Finding simple pleasures!
So once you find something that interests you, keep doing it – you’ll find you naturally get better and better. And who knows, maybe you could do more with it from there?
So there we have it…
That should be plenty to get you started! Remember, the purpose of personal development doesn’t always have to be to thrive in every single area. Sometimes it’s good enough to simply strive – and give it your all, with as much as you’ve got.
You should focus on constant, daily, small measures of self-improvement to contribute to your overall continuous growth. Because that’s how you can sustain it in the long-run.
Shift your mindset to put real value on your own personal development. Break each goal down, into manageable chunks. And then watch yourself start to fly!
Found this helpful? Then click here for 100+ ideas for self-improvement with your very own Personal Development Bucket List. Be sure to also subscribe to the blog below for more. I’ll then simply pop you an email every couple of weeks with new ideas and challenges to encourage you to grow!

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I love this breakdown. Makes it so much easier to work through all the aspects of my life that I need to now. Thanks so much for sharing!