Are you battling the common limiting beliefs after a breakup? Are your limiting beliefs continuing to hold you back and hurt you, even more than you know?
Then it’s time to lift the weight…
See breakups hurt – literally. They’re hard enough as they are, without layering extra limiting beliefs on top.
But the first step to working through your limiting beliefs after a breakup is recognising them, so that’s what we want to initially shine the light on.

How To Recognise Your Limiting Beliefs After a Breakup
So when it comes to limiting beliefs after a breakup, there are common ones that people fall into the habit of adopting.
Have a read of our round-up of these in just a moment to see which ones sound familiar and therefore ring true to you.
You also want to start to become more aware of your thoughts, however, in order to be able to spot any specific ones that you’ve also developed yourself.
That’s right – we’ve created a pretty invaluable process for how to become more aware of your thoughts. Bob on over to that article to familiarise yourself with it before popping back here…

What Exactly Are Limiting Beliefs After a Breakup?
And just to clarify – when it comes to what your breakup limiting beliefs actually are, essentially:
A limiting belief after a breakup is a false or negative thought about yourself or the world that prevents you from fully healing or being able to find true happiness again.
Most limiting beliefs after a breakup will come from the negative past experience(s) you had with your ex – the things you thought, the things they / the relationship made you feel, or sometimes even the things they said.
These limiting beliefs may already have been lingering (from past relationships prior to that or other experiences even) but the chances are – your latest breakup heightened them even more.
PSST, DON’T MISS Our FREE Breakup Recovery Email Coaching Programme. That’s right, we don’t want you to have to go through this alone. Step by step, we’ll guide you through how to heal your heart and feel like YOU again. Click the text above to SIGN UP! ☝️❤️🩹

35+ Common Breakup Limiting Beliefs
So let’s get stuck in with these common limiting beliefs after a breakup, shall we? See, when you’re hurting from heartbreak, it’s not unusual to develop – some form of – the following belief…
1) I’m not good enough.
2) I didn’t deserve him / her / them.
3) I deserve this. I deserve to feel this way now.
4) It’s all my fault. I’ve ruined everything.
5) I’m crazy.

6) What is wrong with me?
7) I’m a failure.
8) I can’t do this.
9) My life is out of my control.
10) I’ll never be happy again.
11) I’m going to be miserable for a long time now.

12) Everything has been a lie.
13) All of this has been a waste of time.
14) I’m no longer in my prime.
15) No-one will want me.
16) I won’t find anyone else.
17) I don’t want anyone else.

18) No-one will want me.
19) I’m undesirable.
20) I’m damaged goods.
21) I never do anything right.
22) I’m worthless.
23) This is embarrassing. I’m an embarrassment.
24) I’m a loser.

25) No-one wants a woman with kids.
26) I’ve ruined my children’s life.
27) I’m a disappointment.
28) I don’t want to start over.
29) I won’t ever find anyone as good as him again.
30) No one will ever love me the way he loved me.

31) He was the only person for me.
32) This is too painful.
33) I’ll never get over this.
34) I can’t trust anyone anymore.
35) Love always ends like this.

How To Work Through Your Limiting Beliefs After a Breakup
How many of the common limiting beliefs after a breakup, sounded familiar to you? And how many others were you able to identify?
Make sure you have them all written down in a notebook. Then, go one step further by CIRCLING the most destructive breakup limiting beliefs.
These are the ones you want to focus on working through first.
What is the process to working through your limiting beliefs after a breakup from there? Well, you want to break down every belief to establish:
- How accurate the belief is.
– Both in terms of how true it is, and the best way to define it. - Where you might have gotten the belief from – specifically. What things in your past relationship helped to create or strengthen this belief?
- The impact of the belief and what it has meant for your life to date, plus what it will continue to mean if you continue to keep it from here.
- Whether you want to keep it, change it, or replace it.
- What your new empowering belief(s) could be and how that will feed into the new story you’ll decide to have.
FINDING THIS DIFFICULT? Then don’t stay stuck. Check out our Specialist Breakup Coaching and allow us to work you through it. It’ll make the process far faster, easier and more effective. (Trust me.) 💪❤️

You Can Do This…
Working through your limiting beliefs after a breakup sounds like a lot of work and, being completely honest – it is.
This won’t be an instant fix, it will take time and effort and repeated action, but if it was easy – you’d have already done it, right?
So be patient, stick with it, keep showing yourself self-compassion through the process, and just tackle them one at a time, at your own pace.
You’ve got this, trust me! ❤️ You can and will feel better after a breakup – I promise you.
This is such an important yet powerful step, and one that will really help you. So don’t give up!
Take care. I’m thinking of you.