Looking for cute New Year’s Eve questions for couples? Conversation starters for your New Year’s Eve date night? Then you’ve come to the right place! Here’s 25 meaningful questions to ask on New Year’s Eve, to help you feel closer and more connected going into 2025.
See, the New Year gives you a fresh start, a chance to start over, or make positive changes / reset your focus (if you want or need!)
Each year is a new opportunity to write a new chapter of your story, together, as a team.
These New Year’s Eve questions for couples get you reminiscing, reflecting, bonding, appreciating and brainstorming even – as you evaluate where you’re at, where you want to go and all the things you want to do.
These questions are like your end-of-year couples check in questions, so they’re far more essential than you think!

25 New Year’s Eve Questions For Couples (You Really Should Ask!)
So, what have we got? Well, in no particular order – here’s 25 cute New Year’s Eve questions for couples.
Have a read through, pick out the questions that most stand out to you, and ask them on New Year’s Eve – whether that’s in the day, before you head off for your romantic New Years Eve night, or on the NYE date night itself, it’s completely up to you.
Just be sure to have conversations with your partner that consist of things like…
1) What’s the best thing that’s happened to you this year?!
2) What are some of your most treasured memories from 2024?
(Scroll back through your camera if you need – it’ll help you remember the big things and the small!)
3) What has been the most challenging thing that’s happened this year? Or some of the things you’ve found more difficult than I may have perhaps thought?
(This is an interesting one, especially if you allow yourselves to get vulnerable and really open up. Some of these answers may surprise you.)

Questions To Ask Your Partner This New Year’s Eve
4) What are you most proud of yourself for this past year?
(Try swapping it around and sharing what you’re proud of your partner for, too. You may notice things that they haven’t and it will mean a lot to acknowledge these. In most cases, this tends to be one of the things you don’t tell your partner enough.)
5) How do you think we’ve grown over the past year – both individually and as a couple?
6) Do you think we’ve grown closer together or further apart? In what ways?
(This may be one of the tough relationship questions you need to ask, as you can then find ways to come back together.)
7) What are some of the key things you think you want / need to work on, this next year?
8) Are there any things you think we need to work on, individually, for our relationship, or together as a couple?
(This may lead into conversations about your relationship resolutions – another hot topic for NYE!)
Psst, Want To Feel Closer To Your Partner in 2025?
We’ve just launched a 30 Day Couples Intimacy Challenge – starting on 1st January 2025. CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT. Day by day, we’ll break down a new intimacy exercise (that takes anything from 2 to 20 minutes) – to dramatically strengthen your bond and connection.

New Year’s Eve Questions For Couples To Ask
9) What are 3 of the most unexpected things that happened this year?
10) What is your biggest wish for next year?
(This can be anything from one of your couples bucket list ideas, to a new relationship milestone you’d love to reach! Be completely honest. There should be no judgements here!)
11) What’s the biggest lesson you learnt this year?
12) What’s been your biggest time-waster this past year?
13) Are you / we, where you thought we’d be, this time last year? In what ways are we and aren’t we? And is that “for better” or “for worse”?!
(This is another interesting question as it looks back and reflects on last year’s intentions for this year, to better uncover where you went “wrong” and make positive changes for the following year ahead!
If you like questions like this – take on this 365 Daily Deep Question Challenge to keep more thought-provoking conversations flowing.)

Questions To Ask Your Partner This New Year’s Eve
14) In what ways have I been a great partner to you this way?
15) In what ways could I improve next year?
(This question doesn’t need to be about criticising but instead giving honest, constructive feedback and a safe space to share how you feel.)
16) Is there anything you’ve struggled to talk to me about this year, which you wish you could more easily & freely, without fear of judgement / fear of what my reaction would be?
17) What is one thing we need to start doing in this next year?
(This opens up the conversation for you to look at healthy relationship habits you want to develop in 2025.)
18) What is one thing we need to stop doing in this next year?
(This enables you start to recognise and break bad habits in a relationship.)

New Year’s Eve Questions For Couples To Ask
19) What would you like us to give more of our time and attention to in this next year?
(This could be anything from finances to side-hustles, more time with friends / family to a set focus on buying your first home – the options are pretty endless.)
20) How can we learn, grow and develop together next year? What sort of things can we do or challenges can we take on, together, as a team?
21) What 3 month, 6 month and 12 month goals would you personally like to set? And how can I best hold you accountable to these?
(This is a great question that gets you working together and supporting one another on your own, separate endeavours.)
22) Are there any joint 3 month, 6 month and 12 month goals, you’d like us to set together, as a couple?

Questions To Ask Your Partner This New Year’s Eve
23) What would your dream year look like next year?
24) How can we go into 2025 in the right way?
25) Are there any things you’d really like to say, to close off 2024?
(These can be negative things you want to address and let go of, as well as positive things you want to acknowledge and appreciate. Give both of you the opportunity to speak up and close off the year with heartfelt words you won’t forget. 🖤)
That’s All For This One
So there we have it – that rounds up our top 25 New Year’s Eve questions for couples in 2024.
SAVE IT, SHARE IT with your partner and be sure to USE IT New Year’s Eve.
Wishing you all the very best for 2025 and beyond.