27 Signs Your Relationship Needs Work (… Pretty Urgently!)

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Have you become complacent in your relationship? Have things gotten too comfortable, to the point where you’re running the risk of your relationship starting to fall apart? Or maybe you’re accepting things that you shouldn’t in your relationship? Allowing things to slip? Well, my friends, it’s time to shine a light on it. Here’s 7 signs your relationship needs work – and it’s more urgent than you think!

Why Relationships Take Work

See, relationships shouldn’t feel like a battle. But they do – undeniably – still take work. And this includes the healthiest, happiest ones too, by the way!

This is because relationships are constantly changing. You are also constantly changing. There’s always different things going on and therefore new challenges coming your way.

But that’s why it’s about continuing to put the time and effort in, giving the relationship the love and care that it both deserves and needs.

Ultimately, it only benefits you and your partner – so it’s not a bad thing.

But it’s important to be aware of, so that you don’t end up neglecting your relationship, and eventually then, watching it fall apart…

Quotes About Relationships Take Work

27 Signs Your Relationship Needs Work (More Than You Think!)

So what are the signs your relationship needs work? What are the key indicators and things to look out for? Well, you’ll typically tend to find the following signs.

Please Note: Even one or two of these are enough to indicate that your relationship needs work. Your relationship doesn’t necessarily need to be a BAD place to need working on…

Remember, working on your relationship should feel like a natural, normal thing, so try to shift the way you see it.

Use the following signs your relationship needs work as a reality check, instead, and look out for key indicators like…

Signs Your Relationship Needs Work

1) You’re not as happy in the relationship anymore and you know your partner isn’t either…

2) You’ve noticed that you’re a little more disconnected nowadays. At times, it can feel like you’re both living slightly separate lives.

3) You barely find time for each other anymore. There’s always other things going on or other things you have to do. (Although let’s be fair – it can sometimes be a matter of priorities!)

4) The intimacy has dwindled in your relationship, and there’s only so many “excuses” you can put it down to!

Psst, thankfully we have the solution to this one…

Want to take action RIGHT NOW to work on your relationship, and – specifically – your dwindling / lack of intimacy?! Then check out our New Year Couples Intimacy Challenge.

From 1st January, we’ll set you up with small, daily (and more-than manageable) intimacy exercises, activities & games that bring you closer – mentally, emotionally and physically.

Remember, there’s different types of intimacy your relationship really needs, so we cover all basis with this one, to bring you closer than ever before – with ease!

how to work on your relationship

Signs Your Relationship Needs Work

Continuing on with the signs you relationship needs work, you should also look out for things like…

5) You know you have bad habits in the relationship – like constantly being glued to your phone(s).

6) You’ve never really developed the healthy relationship habits your relationship actually really needs.

7) You argue more now than you used to, or get frustrated with one another over small things.

8) You’ve never properly resolved any past communication issues you struggle with.

9) You know that you’ve still not fully resolved some personal issues that have and continue to, negatively impact your relationship. (Some things just don’t seem to change!)

10) You’re no longer developing as a couple, or developing as individuals, in ways that benefit your relationship.

11) Your partner is no longer the first person you’d go to – to share good news, or work through difficult times.

12) Your partner seems to put you down more than he/ she complements you, and vice versa.

13) There’s things you really don’t like about your partner and things you know they don’t like about you. These are things that can and should change – but they never seem to.

14) You’ve stopped making plans for the future, and aren’t working towards a shared vision.

15) The relationship is no longer progressing. There’s been nothing new happening for a while, even when you’d probably have expected there to be.

Quotes About Relationships Take Work

Let’s Keep Them Coming…

16) You don’t seem to be on the same page about a lot of things. You often seem to be disagreeing or…

17) You / your partner tends to just shut down now. They don’t want conflict, but then you’re no longer really communicating. The two of you have become distant and disconnected.

18) The relationship doesn’t feel as FUN anymore. You can’t remember the last time you had a real, proper laugh together.

19) You’re no longer experiencing new or different things together. You feel like you’ve “done it all.”

20) You don’t have a regular date night, or seem to find time for quality time together. 

21) There are trust issues in your relationship. Whether your partner has given you reason to not trust them or not, you still don’t trust them fully.

22) You’re holding onto resentment in the relationship

23) You’ve noticed that you’re nitpicking more, or not letting go of small things.

24) You know that your partner is attractive, but you don’t seem to find them as attractive anymore.

25) You sometimes wonder if you’re better off as friends, or the relationship is starting to feel like more of a friendship.

26) Even though you’re in a relationship, you often feel alone. It doesn’t feel like you’re a team anymore and the relationship has become pretty lonely. You miss your partner and how things used to be.

27) You don’t know with complete certainty that your partner is “the one” for you. (And by the way – this does’t have to mean that they’re perfect, but you can still know with complete confidence that you wouldn’t want to be with anyone else. They are “the chosen one!”)

Signs Your Relationship Needs Work

What To Do From Here

So if you read the signs your relationship needs work and found yourself thinking… “hmmm, that’s true, that’s true”, then – well – you know what to do…

  • Get clear on what needs work on.
  • Sit down with your partner and speak it through!
  • Brainstorm different ideas for things which will help in this area.
  • Try different things. Work your way through them, together, as a team.

If you’re really finding things difficult and committed to creating lasting, positive change, check out our affordable relationship coaching options, or schedule a FREE Discovery Call.

Remember – you’re not alone in this. We’re here to help, and can map out the best plan of action, then keep you accountable to make the change you need to see – really happen.

That’s All For This One

So that rounds up the signs your relationship needs work, plus what to do next. I hope you’ve found this valuable.

Got a specific question? Feel free to write it below and I personally will write back. 🫶

Wishing you all the very best.


Signs Your Relationship Needs Work
Photo of author
Ella Stearn
Ell is a Breakup, Dating & Relationship Specialist & Coach, gaining over 7.5 million global readers to date. As the Creator of Forgetting Fairytales, her mission is to help you learn to love yourself, find the right person to give your love to, then make it a love that truly lasts.

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