Want to turn up the heat? Mix things up a little bit? Then here’s 45 spicy questions to ask your partner. Featuring fun and flirty questions right the way to downright naughty, we’ve got plenty to keep your chemistry burning bright on your next date night.
45 Spicy Questions To Ask Your Partner
See, when it comes to spicy questions to ask your partner, you want to ask things that they won’t expect, that will be juicy for you to find out and which is pretty darn flirty.
Throwing one of these questions out there, therefore acts as a pretty fun, saucy surprise for your partner!
So, what have we got? What should you do? Well, in no particular order, our 45 spicy questions to ask your partner on your next date night, include:

1) What’s one thing you secretly find pretty sexy about me?
2) What kind of flirting do you find most irresistible?
3) If you had to turn back the clock and try to “pull me” on a night out now, what would approach would you go for and why?!
4) What do you think is the fastest way to your heart?!
5) How do you find it most fun to flirt with me? (We’re talking using words, or physical touch, etc.)
6) What’s the naughtiest thought you’ve ever had about us or me? And how often do you have naughty thoughts about me?
7) What’s the naughtiest text you could think to send? Text it out and send it me now! Questions like this can turn into fun couple dares.
8) How would you rate the different types of intimacy in our relationship? (1 being – pretty terrible, 10 being – it couldn’t be better!)
9) In what ways do you feel like I tease you… But you like it?!
10) How playful do you think our relationship is? And are there any ways you wish we were more playful?!

Let’s Keep Them Coming…
11) How do you feel about whispering sweet nothings? Can you give me an example?! Go on, I dare you!
12) What small things do I do that seriously turn you on?
13) If you were blind-folded, do you think you’d know my kiss, from others? (Hypothetically speaking of course!) If so, why and how?!
(Psst, we’ve got plenty of hypothetical questions for couples if you liked this one!)
14) What’s your favourite type of kiss? And why?
15) How in sync do you think we are with our preferences when it comes to physical intimacy?
16) Do you have any strange… turn on’s in the bedroom that I don’t know about?
17) What time(s) do you think we’ve been the most passionate in the bedroom? And what do you think brought that on?!
18) What things do I do that make you feel desired?
19) Have I ever given you butterflies? When, and why?
20) How strong do you think our romantic chemistry is? And what does it feel like, to feel it?
21) What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try in the bedroom, but have never told me?
22) On a scale of 1-10, how fully do you feel like you can let loose in the bedroom with me?
Spicy Questions To Ask Your Partner
23) On a scale of 1-10, how comfortable do you feel in your body?
24) Where’s the riskiest place you’d like to make love?!
25) What’s the craziest date you could think of us to do?!
26) In what ways do you think that I bring out your “wild side”?
27) In what ways do you think that you bring out my “wild side” and are there any sides you’d like to see more of with me?!
28) How do you feel when you catch me looking at you?

29) What’s the most sensitive part of your body? And do you know the most sensitive part of mine?
30) What “toys” would you and wouldn’t you use in the bedroom?
31) What’s a surefire way to “get you in the mood” in the bedroom?!
32) Do you have a favourite time of day for being intimate? And why do you think that is?
Let’s Keep Them Coming…
33) How open minded do you think you are in the bedroom? And how open minded do you think I am?!
34) What’s your favourite type of foreplay and why?
35) How do you feel about PDA (public displays of affection)? And why do you think this is?
36) How can you tell when I’m turned on? And how does that make you feel?!
37) Are there any movies / books / tv shows that seem to “get you in the mood”? Or would be likely to?!
38) How important is setting the mood for you, like with music or candles?
39) Shall we create a secret code word for when you’re feeling turned on in a social / public place? What should it be and what should it mean?!
40) If you could describe what it feels like to make love to me, which 3 words would you choose?
Onto the Final Five…
41) What song would be top of your playlist for when we make love?!
42) How do you feel about role play, and what kind of role play would most appeal to you?
43) Are there any types of clothes you’d love to see me in?
44) In what ways do you think we could spice up our relationship?!
45) In what ways do you think we could spice things up in the bedroom?!

That’s All For This One
So there we have it – 45 spicy questions to ask your partner on your next date night! Has that given you a few more ideas?
If you liked this, why not take on our ultimate intimate questions challenge, with these 150 intimate questions for couples, that you can break down to ask daily!
Remember – keep learning, keep growing, keep flirting and having fun together. It’s the key to keeping your relationship happy, healthy and strong.
Wishing you all the very best.