Looking for fun St Patrick’s Day date ideas? The best St Patrick’s Day activities for couples? Then you’ve come to the right place. Here’s our top 20 ways to celebrate St Patrick’s Day with your partner.
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Top 20 St Patrick’s Day Activities For Couples
Without further ado, here’s our favourite St Patrick’s Day date ideas, to fill you with inspiration! Pick one, or do multiple. It’s entirely up to you! So let’s get stuck in…
1) Attend a St Patrick’s Day Parade
First up, there’s the classic St Patrick’s Day Parade! These are hosted all over the world, so be sure to search to find the closest one in your area.
You’ll have live music, marching bands, Irish dancers, floats, banners, entertainment – the lot.
A good St Patrick’s Day Parade also creates a great atmosphere, so it’s the perfect way to get in the spirit of things! Talking of which…
2) Go On a Pub Crawl!
There’s a cultural and social normalisation of drinking in Ireland. In fact, people often go over there purely to drink. (Guinness and whiskey being their specialities!)
So another fun St Patrick’s Day date idea is to go on a pub crawl with your partner.
If you can find Irish bars – all the better. And go one step further by grabbing St Patrick’s Day glasses or accessories. This only adds to the fun!
If you’re not a big drinker, non-alcoholic drinks work too. It’s more about getting out and about in a social environment!
3) Go Whiskey Tasting
As mentioned, the Irish are known for their whiskey. Irish whiskey is actually supposed to be one of the best because of their distilling process.
Whiskey tasting is therefore another great St Patrick’s Day activity for couples. Sample some different whiskeys – become connoisseurs! It’s all about different experiences…
St Patrick’s Day Date Ideas
So what else have we got when it comes to St Patrick’s Day date ideas?
4) Have an Irish Coffee Date
Whiskey a little too much? Want something more low-key? Then go for your normal coffee date… except there’s a twist!
Because instead of having normal coffee, treat yourself to an Irish coffee instead. Or Irish Whiskey with Hot Chocolate Bombs! Go on… I dare you!
5) Do Some Irish Cooking
For all those looking for Irish-themed foodie date ideas, making some traditional Irish cuisine always makes for a fun St Patrick’s Day date idea!
From a tasty colcannon to a delicious Dublin coddle, home-cooked Irish stew to Farls (Irish Potato Bread/Cakes) – there really are so many different dishes you can try.
Get cooking together, as a couple, then sit down for a romantic candle-lit meal. It’s certainly one of the more civilised St Patrick’s Day activities for couples! Talking of which…
6) Do Some Irish Themed Baking
Whether you go for fun desserts decorated for St Patrick’s Day, or recreate a Traditional Irish dessert, baking with your partner allows creativity to reach the max! So give it a go.
Again, this comes as a two-part St Patrick’s Day date idea, as not only do you get busy baking together, but you can also then snuggle up on the sofa afterwards and indulge!
Want to turn it into a bit of a game of challenge? Have a bake off to see who can create the tastiest, most jaw-dropping dessert!
My favourites to battle it out with include these St Patrick’s Day Cake Pops and Lucky Charm Cupcakes. Aren’t they just the sweetest?!

7) Make St Patrick’s Day Cocktails
It’s cocktail time! See, we can’t mention food without bringing some fun themed drinks into it!
From the Sparkling Shamrock to the Irish Sour… and everything in between… you only have to do a quick google search to be full of fun, creative, St Patrick’s Day cocktail ideas!
Simply see what takes your fancy, grab a Cocktail Making Kit for at home, then make a super fun date night out of it!
St Patrick’s Day Games
Games make a great activity for any occasion. Here’s some of our favourite St Patrick’s Day games to get you started…
8) Shamrock Shake
Get ready to shake your stuff, and have plenty of giggles whilst doing so! It’s fun, flirty, and a perfect game for a St Patrick’s Day date! How it works? Well it’s simple…
- Attach long strings to empty tissue boxes (painted green for the occasion).
- Fill each tissue box with an even amount ping-pong balls or different kinds of treats.
- Tie the filled-up boxes around your partner’s waist and have them shake until all of the balls / treats are out of the box.
- Take it in turns to do this. You can also create different types of rounds. Just time yourselves each time and the fastest person wins the point… GAME ON!
9) Lucky Flip
What else have we got? Well, Lucky Flip is another favourite of mine. It’s fun, fast-paced and simple – whilst still having enough strategy to keep you engaged!
It’s also a longer game, which means it’s perfect if you want to make a proper games night out of your St Patrick’s Day.
To play you just have to guess what each card in a deck will come out like, and use chips to earn points. Click here to find out more about how it works, and… enjoy!
10) Lucky Word
We’ve reached half way in our top 20 St Patrick’s Day activities for couples, so – of course – we had to throw in an epic one! See, Lucky Word is PERFECT for you and your partner. To play:
- Each of you will pick out a lucky word without telling the other person what it is.
- You then go about your day as usual.
- Every time your spouse uses your lucky word, you kiss them!
- The first person to guess the other’s lucky word, WINS!
11) Lucky Love Letters
Keeping with the Lucky theme, let’s break up our games section with – what has got to be – one of the CUTEST St Patrick’s Day activities for couples…
Our suggestion? Write love letters!
Cuddle up on the sofa, sit facing one another, then write out all the things you love about your partner and why you feel so lucky to have them.
Your partner will do the same before you read them out or pass them over to one another.
Adorable, or what? This one will certainly bring you closer!
12) Gold Coin Toss
Okay, what other games have we got that are an absolute ball when looking for fun St Patrick’s Day activities? Well… it’s no other than… drum roll please… the Gold Coin Toss!
Grab a Leprechaun Cauldron and coins, set a starting line and take it in turns to try to throw them in. If you want to make it harder – grab some leprechaun hats too and place different ones in different places… each equating to different points!
Let your competitive streaks come out as you do different rounds throughout the day / night! Just bear in mind, if you’re also having a few drinks in between it…
The more you have, the harder it becomes!

13) Pin the Hat on the Leprechaun
We’re storming through our St Patrick’s Day games now, but can’t you see, how perfect they are when looking for St Patrick’s Day activities?!
Another classic one to include in your line-up is “Pin the Hat on the Leprechaun!” It’s like the classic “Pin the Tail on the Donkey”, but instead themed for St Patrick’s Day.
- Draw your own hatless leprechaun on a large piece of poster board.
- Draw or print out a hat for your little guy.
- Cut it out, and attach some sticky tape or putty on the back.
- Then take it in turns to see who can pin it closest… whilst blindfolded!
Spice it up by turning it into a drinking game for couples, or couples dare game. So whoever pins it furthest from the correct spot, has to do either a shot or a dare.
14) St Patrick’s Day Bean Toss
Last but not least in the games section now then, we have to mention St Patrick’s Day Bean Toss.
This is great as it’s active and easy to play, but there’s different holes to hit, varying in difficulty. It’s therefore a great addition to whatever you choose to do.
Things To Do For St Patrick’s Day 2022
15) Host a St Patricks Day Party
If you love St Patrick’s Day and are looking for different things to do, why not host a little party? Whether it’s just for you and your partner, or you gather friends and family for it to –
- Make some themed food / drinks.
- Blast that fun Irish music.
- Play some Irish themed games.
- Have an absolute ball!
As you’ll have quickly recognised, this incorporates many of St Patrick’s Day activities into one – making St Patrick’s Day 2022, a year to remember!
You can also have heaps of fun decorating before. We’re talking banners, balloons, table decor, and you can’t miss the St Patrick’s Foil Fringe!
16) Irish Drinking Games
If you’re in the party spirit, there’s heaps of St Patrick’s Day drinking games you can play.
From Paddy’s Beer Pong to the epic St Patrick’s Day Drinking Dice. There’s also one’s like Hot Potato (after all, potatoes are a pretty signature item in Ireland!) How to play:
- Fill a shot glass up with some Irish Whiskey or Guinness.
- Grab a potato… yes, an actual potato, a real potato!
- Turn some Irish music on and take it in turns to throw the potato.
- Think of it as pass the parcel, but whenever the music stops or a certain word is said… whoever is holding the potato at that time has to take a shot!
- It’s fun, simple, yet themed for St Patrick’s Day which makes it all the more memorable!
Ultimately, there’s plenty of drinking games to keep you entertained for St Patrick’s Day – if that’s the kind of activity you’re looking for!

St Patrick’s Day Activities For Couples
Let’s steer away from the alcohol now and get back onto the St Patrick’s Day activities for couples, that are suitable for, pretty much anyone! So what have we got? Well…
17) Learn an Irish Dance
What could be a more Irish St Patrick’s Day date idea than this?! And hold up, hold up – we don’t expect you to be getting up on stage or anything like that!
Instead, simply YouTube a tutorial and learn the Irish dance together, from the comfort of your own home. It’s sweet, hilariously fun, and again… very memorable too.
18) Do a St Patrick’s Day Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger hunts are always great date ideas – on any occasion. And with this clever little kit, creating one couldn’t be easier!
Hunt around for little surprises. You can even make them a little naughty / saucy! (Guide your partner around in a sexy Leprechaun Costume even… go on, be brave! Be playful!)
19) Or a Treasure Hunt
The alternative to a Scavenger Hunt is a treasure hunt.
The main difference between these is that a scavenger hunt involves collecting items from a list of specific items, whereas a treasure hunt involves following a series of clues to find an object…
This means you can make it a little more complex, and get super creative with the prize at the end!
20) Test Your Luck With Fortune Cards
Last but not least then, have some fun with Irish Fortune Cards.
Don’t worry, they’re not like tarot… although that’s an option too… Palm reading anyone?!
See how lucky you are and what you have in store… 😉
That Rounds It Up…
So there we have it, our top 20 St Patrick’s Day activities for couples – whether you’re looking for fun things to do to celebrate, or sweet St Patrick’s Day date ideas… we’ve got you covered!
Have fun, enjoy yourselves (whatever you get up to!) and keep treasuring all these special moments. All the best!

We were kinda bored doing the same thing for St Patrick’s Day every year, so I am so thankful that I came across this list. Thank you!