Looking for things that make you happy? Or things that will make you happy, if you focus on them or make time for them in your life? Then you’re in the right place! Here’s 42 things to help you feel happier – 42 things that hold that secret happiness key!
See, whether you’re looking to feel better after a breakup, find happiness within (without depending on your partner), or simply want to focus more on the simple joys – no matter WHAT your relationship status is, we’re here to fill you with ideas!
42 Things That Make You Happy
So let’s get stuck in, shall we? Here’s 42 things that make you happy… Or are certainly likely to make you happy, anyway! After all, a lot of it comes down to how we, as humans, are wired.
Have a read, work your way through, find out which bring the most joy, specifically to you (as everyone is different) then pull these ideas together into a complete happiness plan. (Uh huh, you can thank me later!)
WARNING: Some of these things may surprise you, as it’s often not just the “big stuff” but the small stuff that makes you happy, too. Build them up and compile them together and you end up with a very happy, healthy life indeed!
See, we all have slightly different things that make us happy but that’s why it’s important to establish your very own happiness toolkit that’s at your fingers!
So, in no particular order now then, if you’re looking for things that make you happy, you may like to consider some of these…
1) Get a good night sleep! New research suggests that good sleep quality drastically increases happiness and it’s no surprise.
2) Wake up earlier. Forget feeling sluggish. Get ahead, start early! It can dramatically improve your frame of mind and result in you having more time to do the things that are important to you. On this note…
3) Develop a morning routine. The right morning routine will make you feel amazing!
4) Develop an evening routine. Similarly, the right evening self care routine could be just what you need to help you relax, wind down and feel good in yourself!

Let’s Keep Them Coming…
5) Find time for things you love. Studies show a clear link between hobbies and happiness. In fact, one showed how those with hobbies have far better health, more happiness, fewer symptoms of depression, and higher life satisfaction.
There’s plenty of different hobbies for women (and men, too!) so it’s simply about experimenting to find what you really like!
6) Join a club. Going one step further with the idea of hobbies – if you can find a hobby that involves other people, then join a club to do that hobby on a regular basis, it can be one of the most powerful things that make you happy, as not only do you have the activity itself, but the feel of connection and consistent bonding with like-minded people!
7) Do work you enjoy. It’s a no-brainer, right? But with work taking up such a huge amount of your life, it makes sense to focus on ensuring it’s one of the things that make you happy and feel fulfilled!
8) Start a side project. Side projects or side hustles can provide endless opportunities, and offer a bridge if your work isn’t currently 100% what you want to be doing, so this is another thing worth considering!

Things That Make You Happy
9) Experience new things. Fun fact – when we do or see something new, the novelty centre of the brain is activated, triggering the release of dopamine, the chemical rush that makes us feel good and rewarded.
So whether you travel more, do some solo dates, or focus on experiencing different things with others, it’s well worth mapping into your plan and prioritising as it’s certainly one of the key things that makes you happy.
10) Get outside your comfort zone. Now this one may surprise you as pushing outside your comfort zone can feel daunting and difficult, but discussions show it’s actually essential for satisfaction and growth.
So start small if you need to. Maybe begin by establishing your very own personal development bucket list – but start somewhere!
11) Spend time with family you love. On the flip side there’s the home-comforts of spending quality time with family that you love. Need we say more with this one? On a similar note…
12) Spend time with friends who you value. You just may need to do a toxic detox to ensure you really are investing your time in genuine friends! Especially with fake / performative friendships on the rise!
13) Spend time developing healthy, happy, romantic relationships. Whether you’re happily single and looking to find the right person or in a relationship and want to sustain the love – putting the time into the right relationship (and getting that all important quality time) brings a huge amount of happiness and love.

What Else Can You Do?
14) Develop daily self love habits. Finding love for yourself is undoubtably one of the biggest things that makes you happy, and – luckily – this can be developed in many ways, by the right self love habits!
15) Write a gratitude diary. Getting into the habit of being grateful is one of the fastest ways to feel happier. Really appreciate the things you have in your life. See, it’s all a matter of perspective, and so a gratitude diary can be a game-changer when it comes to things that make you happy.
16) Have a creative outlet. Whether it’s a hobby or not, having a creating outlet can be one of the most surprisingly impactful things that make you happy!
From writing, to singing, drawing to painting, even crocheting – the options are endless, but it’s important to be able to express yourself! Speaking of which…
17) Journal. Journalling can bring huge amounts of love and happiness into your life as it is proven to reduce stress, anxiety and depression and (actually) stops you from feeling so alone. It’s an outlet, a positive one, and well worth giving a go!
18) Meditate! According to science, meditation can actually re-wire your brain for happiness, by thickening the major areas of the brain responsible with helping you cope with uncomfortable situations, as well as shrinking the amygdala — the part of your brain that is activated when you experience stress.
Clever huh? So it may be worth swatting up on common relaxation techniques and using these daily, as one of the key things to make you happy (and calmer too!)

Things That Make You Happy
19) Create a scrapbook. Social media is all well and good for storing your favourite photos but it’s not good for your mental health, so if you’re looking for things to make you happy, consider alternative, more creative habits to meet your existing needs in areas that don’t really benefit you. On this note…
20) Swap TV time to reading. Reading is actually a great escape. See, with a film or TV show, you’re given the visuals whereas with a novel you’re inventing them yourself, so it’s far more of a powerful and beneficial for your mental health. Give it a go – it may end up being one of the most surprising things that makes you happy!
21) Commit to daily reading. (And hey – audiobooks count too!) This may sound like a chore, but once you get into the habit of it, it’ll become one you learn to love – especially if it’s reading personal development books that help you learn and grow.
(Here, check out our recommendations for self love books for women or books on building confidence. Can you imagine if you fill your mind with that sort of stuff every day? Uplifting or what?!)
22) Spend time in nature. It’s proven to offer benefits – both mentally and physically, driving those feel-good feelings. Similarly…
23) Get some much-needed Vitamin D. Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain’s release of the happy hormone, serotonin.
Feeling down? Then even a bit of time sitting in the sunshine can be one of the simplest things that make you happy! Especially when you pair it with other things, like…

Simple Things That Make You Happy
24) Listen to music. Music is another simple yet effective mood-booster! In 2013, the Journal of Positive Psychology reported the findings of a study that concluded that just two weeks of listening to upbeat music is enough to boost your mood and levels of happiness. And it is not only happy music that makes a difference. Crazy huh?
25) Have a dance! Then there’s dance! The emotional high we get from dancing is down to dopamine… So hey – why not dance like no-one is watching, even simply around your home in your pjs, if you’re looking to feel good?!
26) Eat GOOD food! Food you really love, rather than what’s just fast or easy. On that note…
27) Find the right diet. And no – we’re not talking about diets for weight loss! Instead, it’s about knowing how to properly fuel your body, to keep your mind happy and healthy! Nothing affects your mood like low energy. Similarly…
28) Take the right supplements. If there are things that are still lacking in your diet, the right supplements can help bridge the gap. (Don’t forget that!)
29) Exercise daily. Study after study, shows the benefits of physical activity. See, it stimulates many brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier, more relaxed and less anxious, so daily exercise (no matter how big or small) is undoubtably one of the things that makes you happier overall. (Not to mention, then healthier too!)

Surprising Things That Make You Happy
30) Give back (financially.) One of the simplest things that makes you happy is giving to charity! In fact, the relationship between individuals donating to charity and higher levels of happiness was equivalent to earning $36,000 more income, or a near 6 percent increase in happiness.
Crazy huh? But again, it makes sense! Think you can’t afford it? Think again. As your happiness may mean even more!
31) Volunteer your time. Volunteering reduces stress and increases positive, relaxed feelings by releasing dopamine. It also makes gives you a sense of meaning and purpose. Speaking of which…
32) Take time to help others. Helping friends, family and loved ones – both emotionally and physically, can also give you feed-good feelings. It makes you happy to feel helpful, and surges a sense of appreciation! (It also takes the focus of you and any problems you may be having right now which is also helpful!)
33) Do random acts of kindness. For the same reason as giving or helping, random acts of kindness most certainly make you feel good too. And the good news is – there’s plenty of different acts of kindness you can do!
BONUS: Be kind to yourself. The right acts of self compassion don’t take long but make a major difference in how you feel day to day. So start practicing self compassion and notice how much happier you feel!
34) Invest in things that save you time. Interestingly, studies show that time-saving purchases, such as hiring house cleaners or ordering food delivery, report higher levels of happiness. So – where possible – consider “outsourcing” the things that DON’T make you happy! It’s a seriously smart move!

What Else Can You Do?
35) Set goals. They may challenge you, but they’re also important for you and undoubtably are one of the things that make you happy – especially when you complete them and can then feel the sense of accomplishment. (No matter how big or small!)
36) Get a pet! Because yes, pets can undoubtably make you happy. Just remember – you have to be there for them, even more than they’re there for you. They’re a big commitment. But they’re well worth it if it’s the right time for you. The alternative…
37) Spend time with animals. Interacting with animals has been shown to decrease levels of cortisol (a stress-related hormone), whilst reducing loneliness, increasing feelings of social support, and boosting your mood. So whether you “rent a pet” or sign up for an animal experience day – there’s plenty of options!
38) Have deeper conversations. We as humans, crave connection. After all, we need it for our survival. Deepening your relationships and having deeper conversations therefore leads to higher levels of happiness.
So if you’re looking for things that make you happy – consider how you can simply have more meaningful conversations with those around you! (We have plenty of ideas – from deep questions to ask your partner to heartfelt questions to ask your Mom!)

Let’s Keep Them Coming…
39) Set boundaries. Setting boundaries in all areas of your life, is another thing that males you happy. It shows self-respect and self-care, plus ensures you’re fostering the RIGHT relationships. On that note…
40) Practice daily self care. Self care promotes better mental health by providing an opportunity to relax, recharge and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment.
There’s plenty of different ways to practice self care. Simply start with a self care challenge to find the things that male you happy (or should we say, the happiest) the continue to do them from there!
41) Get a therapist or a coach. If you want someone to work through your issues with and lift you up – then this is one of the BEST things to make you happy – both short term and long term. Remember, you don’t have to do everything on your own. Get professional support to improve in the areas you need to and you’ll be happier than ever before!
42) Find reasons every day, to smile (even if you don’t feel like it!) When you laugh or smile, it tells your mind to feel good! Uh huh, how you use your body undoubtably has the power to lock feel-good feelings, so be smart with it; become more aware and help your own self to feel happy more!

That’s All For This One
So there we have it – that rounds up our 42 things that makes you happy.
I hope it’s got you thinking and starts you taking action to explore some of the other areas you could add more happiness into your life.
What things make you happy? Let us know in the comments below!
My very best wishes.