What is Galentines Day? Where did Galentines Day Come From? When is Galentines Day? And how do you celebrate it? In this post, we’re going to share everything you need to know about the fabulous kind-of-made-up, but totally popular women’s holiday. So let’s start from the top.
Where Did Galentines Day Come From?
So first off, for those who have never heard of it before – where did Galentines Day come from? Who started Galentines Day? And when did it become a thing?
Well, Galentines Day was actually created by Amy Poehler. She invented the holiday for her Sitcom “Parks and Recreation.”
In this, her main character, Leslie Knope, gathered her girlfriends the day before Valentines Day to celebrate the love amongst female friends.
When Was It Created?
Parks & Recreation first aired in 2009, with the second series out in 2010 which is when Galentines Day was introduced. This means it’s a fairly recent thing, but it’s caught on… and with no surprise, right?
It is a pretty genius idea, you must admit – promoting love, friendship and female empowerment at a time that can – actually – be pretty lonely for some!
What Is Galentines Day?
What is Galentines Day exactly? Because yes, we get the play on word – “Valentines Day” “Galentines Day” – shortened from “Gals” i.e. girls, right? But what does the day actually mean?
Well, it is the day for women, dedicated to celebrating female friendships. Just like you celebrate romantic love on Valentines Day – on Galentines Day, you celebrate friendship love.
Essentially – it’s Valentine’s Day with your gals. Cute, huh?

When Is Galentines Day?
Galentines Day is nice and easy to remember. It’s on 13th February every single year, which means Galentines Day 2022 falls on a Sunday.
Uh huh, Galentines Day 2022 couldn’t really be on a better day this year.
Upcoming Galentine Day Schedule:
2022: SUNDAY 13th February
2023: MONDAY 13th February
2024: TUESDAY 13th February
Because yes, we know, these will most definitely be dates for your diaries!
Leslie Knope Galentines Day
To explain Galentines Day in a nutshell, let’s take the words of Leslie herself:
“What is Galentines Day? Well, it’s only the best day of the year! Every February 13th, my lady friends and I leave our husbands and our boyfriends at home – ladies celebrating ladies!”
Is Galentines Day For Singles?
Now Leslie says about getting away from partners, but Galentines Day is not just for those in a relationship. It’s for singles too – and that’s what we love about it the most. It’s fully inclusive of everyone, no matter what your relationship status. No-one is left feeling alone or alienated.
Why We Love This Holiday
See, as much as we love Valentines Day – it can be a pretty lonely time for singles, only highlighting the fact that you don’t have a significant other in your life.
You scroll through social media, see all the soppy posts, are constantly reminded of the holiday through adverts, blah de blah blah blah. It’s not what you want to hear if you’re actually actively looking to find “the one”, and would love to celebrate but can’t. Then comes, our fabulous G Day…
Galentines Day brings women together, to feel strong, appreciated, united and uplifted.
It focuses on celebrating female friendships – the women in your life who you love. Because yes, romantic love is of course, important. But family-love or friendship-love, this isn’t a love that should be overlooked.
Galentines Day Meaning
Wondering what is the meaning of Galentines Day? Well it’s worth mentioning that Galentines Day is all about FRIENDSHIPS. Yes, it’s got the girl-power going on, but at the heart of it all – it’s about your friends.
This means that those guy pals you’ve got? They too – if you wish – can be included. It’s not specific to one sex, not really. Especially as Galentines Day has continued to evolve and grow since first being created!
Do People Actually Celebrate Galentines Day?
You betcha. In fact, Instagram alone has over 950,000 tags for #GalentinesDay, despite it being so new.
You’ll also see special offers, discounts and deals, in honour of the occasion at shops, restaurants, bars, spas, the lot.
So it’s definitely fair to say that this fictional holiday has really kicked off. (All hail the fabulous Amy Poehler!)
How To Celebrate Galentines Day 2022
So now you know what Galentines Day is, you’re likely to want to celebrate. Am I right or am I right? So what can you do? Well, traditionally, it’s all about bringing together old and new friends for a boozy brunch! Here, watch this –
But how often do we ALWAYS stick to traditions? If you’re looking for some different things to do on Galentines Day, you may also like to consider doing something with your friends at home.
Galentines Day is all about quality time with quality people. So why not get together and throw a little G-Day party with your pals? You can then do it anytime, anywhere. It doesn’t just have to be a morning thing.
And there’s plenty of options for what you can do together to make sure you’re entertained – without even needing to step out the doors. Here – click here for 20 Fun Things To Do With Friends at Home.
That will get you started! We especially love the idea of a Pamper Night, Cocktail Party or Themed Photoshoot… Or simply pop open the bubbly, turn on some tunes and let your hair down together!
Itching to get out? Then why not instead make the most of all those great G Day offers, with a spa day, meal out, day trip somewhere? Go wild! Be free!
How Will You Be Spending Galentines Day 2022?
Galentines Day really is all about the people you’re with, more than the things you do.
Are gifts a thing? Well yes, absolutely. But they only need to be something small. Small yet soppy… because yes, this holiday does give us a chance to get a little sentimental with our friends!
Talking of which, Galentines Day is also all about TALKING! So have some heart-to-hearts, really open up, get to know each other better. You’ll be amazed at what you can learn and how much closer you can become!
Drop those guards girls. It’s okay. 🖤
That’s All For This One
So there we have it! Everything you need to know about the big G-Day. Wherever you are, whatever your relationship status, we hope that this year – it will be one that you’re celebrating! Take care.