75 (Super Fun!) Bachelorette Party Dares

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Looking for bachelorette dares for an epic hen party? Super fun bachelorette party dares for the Bride-To-Be and everyone else attending? Then you’ve come to the right place!

Here’s 75 (super fun!) bachelorette party dares – plus how to turn it into a game you can play all day or all night long!

How To Play Bachelorette Party Dares

Bachelorette dares can be played at any hen do / bachelorette party. You can either:

  1. Challenge your Bride-To-Be to all of the dares; giving “points” for every dare she completes, which then equates to drinks that you buy her, OR an end “prize!” (Whichever you prefer.)
  2. Or – you can all get involved in the bachelorette party dares as well – taking it in turns for everyone to do a dare. The only difference will be: you all pick from the general bachelorette dares and your bride-to-be has to have one of her hand-crafted ones! (As these are a little more “next level!” and specific to her!)

If you do it the latter way – you can then either:

  1. Write all of your names on a piece of paper and each time you want to do one of the bachelorette dares, you simply pull a name out to decide who will be doing the dare that time!
  2. Spin a bottle (or something similar) to decide who will do the next dare!
  3. Or, you can turn this into a Bachelorette Dare Challenge throughout the day, playing it as a fun bachelorette party game, where you’re all trying to do as many dares as you possibly can! You will then each receive points for every dare that’s completed, with – again – a prize at the end for the person who does the most!

Why might you want to do this?

Because it makes it fun, wild and memorable for your Bride-To-Be. 

Remember, she’ll still be working through all of her own dares too. You’re simply giving her moral support by getting involved in others too. 

And – if she’s slacking – you can spur her on by saying, “Come on! I can’t win the Bachelorette Dare Challenge for YOUR hen do!” Bring on the rivalry! 

The only rules of this Bachelorette Party Dare Game is that a person can’t do the same dare themselves, more than once. Each “player” can do the same dare if they want to though. They aren’t removed once one person does them, if that makes sense?

And don’t forget – you can still mix these up with these juicy questions to ask your friends too, so you have a combination of questions and dares to make it even more fun!

Sounds good? Awesome! Then let’s get stuck in with these bachelorette party dare ideas, now, shall we?

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Hen Party Dares

75 (Super Fun!) Bachelorette Party Dares

Our bachelorette party dares are split into three main categories: dares for the Bride-To-Be, dares for the rest of the hen party and bachelorette dares that you can all do as a group (specifically taking them on either head-to-head or as a team!)

Bachelorette Party Dares (For The Bride To Be)

These are specific dares for your bride-to-be.

1) Stand on a chair / table / the bar, fling your arms up in the air and shout, “I’M GETTING MARRIED!”

2) Whisper “Guess what – I’m getting married!”, excitedly, in the ear of 3 strangers!

3) Run up the street shouting, “I LOVE YOU [PARTNER NAME!] I LOVE YOU [PARTNER NAME!] I LOVE YOU [PARTNER NAME!]” and get your friends to record it then send it to your Wife-To-Be / Hubby-To-Be.

4) Bring Out The Spice: Get a photo with 5 different guys – one sporty, one posh, one ginger, one baby and one scary.

5) Spend 20 seconds doing your most embarrassing dance-like-no-ones-watching moves, in the middle of a bar, on your own! Your friends will time you to make sure you do the full 20 seconds and if they don’t deem it embarrassing enough, they can recommend a few different moves to add in!

6) Colour one of your front teeth black (with eyeliner or something similar), take a smiley selfie and send it to your Wife-To-Be / Hubby-To-Be, saying “thinking of you!” See if he / she picks up on it!

7) You’ve got 20 minutes to get as many signatures from strangers, or kisses in lipstick, all over your body. Your hen party will give you a target number to reach (and take it in turns to go around with you to try to get more!) If you reach the target number – you WIN. If you don’t, there’s a forfeit! (Yikes!)

8) Pull up a picture of your Wife-To-Be / Hubby-To-Be up on your phone and sing the two powerful chorus lines of “I Will Always Love You”, whilst looking at it! (Maybe add a little spin in there as you do it. Give it everything you’ve got!)

What Else Have We Got?!…

9) Write “I Love [Partner Name]” in eyeliner across your forehead, and keep it on for the next 30 minutes!

10) Write the funniest dirty text to your Wife-To-Be / Hubby-To-Be (crafted as a group if easier!) and press SEND!

11) Get a photo being held up by men (preferably in all of your hen party attire – your sash, your crown, the lot!) You can try the top of shoulders, sat in a chair and held (as if on a royal Bride-To-Be-Thrown), or even lay down horizontally with a whole group of men holding you. The choice is yours!

12) Gather as many girls as you possibly can for an EPIC “Bride Tribe” group photo, packed with as many strangers as you possibly can! Now that’s #womensupportingwomen! 

13) Get a photo behind a bar. And no – this one doesn’t count if you’re doing a cocktail making class!

14) Drink a mystery drink, created by the rest of the hen party. (You can only ask what it was… after!)

15) Phone different random numbers until someone picks up. As soon as they do, go into a rant, pretending it’s your Wife-To-Be / Hubby-To-Be that you’re speaking to, telling them that you’re having a great time and you really can’t wait to marry them!

16) Text your Mom and Dad something true, but embarrassing! (That they don’t actually know!) OR: text one of your parents that you’ve been arrested… and text the other (if they’re still together) that it’s a joke – you’re just winding them up! That way, they won’t go rushing over to the police station!

Let’s Keep Them Coming…

17) Have a photo with a police officer; getting them to point at you whilst you do a hilariously enthusiastic pose!

18) Make up a ridiculously funny story for how you met your Wife-To-Be / Hubby-To-Be then convince a random stranger that it’s true!

19) Have a piggy back ride off a stranger, going from one side of the room / venue to the other. (Or, give one!) Shout, “Last night of freedom! Woohoo!” whilst doing it!

20) Convince a random person to give you their sock as a souvenir from your hen do, then hold it to your heart as if it really means something to you!

21) Set an embarrassing photo as your profile picture and leave it there for the rest of the hen do. You can only change it the following morning! (By which point the whole WORLD will have seen it… Just kidding! But it will be funny!)

22) Go up to a random guy and get down on one knee. Say, “I want you to know what this feels like!” then propose to him! Earn double points if you give him a ring made of something (e.g. Hula Hoop or Haribo ring!) And 3x points if he plays along with it and says yes!

23) Create a cheerleader chant about your Wife-To-Be / Hubby-To-Be and “perform it” at your table.

24) Demonstrate your best technique for you-know-what on your finger. (Without laughing!)

25) “Cheers” your drink with at least five strangers and shout, “here’s to marriage!” You must have them clink their glass against yours and then take a drink of their drink themselves in order for it to count!

Dares For a Hen Party

BONUS: Bachelorette Dares (Essential!)

When playing this bachelorette party game, don’t forget to capture the moments with photos and videos. Make this hen party, a hen party your Bride-To-Be will really remember… and can then look back on too!

Bachelorette Party Dares (For Everyone)

These are bachelorette dares, designed for everyone at the hen party.

26) Order a drink in a foreign language. (Optional: for this, you can go to the bar with someone else in the hen party. This offers “proof of completion”, but you can also then look baffled at one another, muttering yet more foreign nonsense / jibberish at the fact the bartender doesn’t understand you!)

27) Convince a stranger you’re from a different country. Think Aussie accent, American accent or English accent – depending on where you’re from. (Uh huh, this is where your secret-talents for different accents start to come out!)

28) PHOTO BOMB someone’s selfie. Bonus points if you can have a laugh with them and get them to send it to you after!

29) Go up to someone who looks like someone famous and “accidentally” mistake them for them. Say something like, “Oh my gosh. Are you [celebrity name]?! I can’t believe it!” Just be careful not to insult them. Pick a celebrity who would be a complement and add in something like, “You’re even more beautiful / hot in person! Wow!”

30) Go up to someone and pretend that you know them. Say something like: “Oh my gosh, [name!] It’s been so long! Fancy seeing you here! How are you doing?!”


Now the last thing you want to do when playing bachelorette party dares, is cause any upset, so:

  • Choose your “target” for the dares, wisely. Try to pick people who are – like you – in groups, as opposed to ambushing a couple, just trying to go about their night! Also pick those that look friendly and approachable!
  • Now it’s going to be hard to do these dares with a straight face, and for the rest of your hen party group to keep a straight face too. Whoever you choose to do your dare on, you don’t want them to think that you’re mocking them. So once the dare is done – if it seems obvious it was a dare – fess up, tell them! And thank them for being a good sport!

Bachelorette Party Dares (For Everyone)

31) Classic Bachelorette Party Dare: Get a photo of you with a man in uniform! (Police officer is usually “the norm!”)

32) Get a photo with a man’s bare chest. (For this one, I recommend asking a muscly man, with a button-down shirt, and TELL him it’s a dare! He probably won’t mind getting his pecks out… in fact, he’ll most likely take it as a complement! He is the “chosen one!” Ha!)

33) Challenge another hen to see who can gather and wear, the most layers of clothing in 2 minutes, then put them on. The person who can gather the most items of clothing receives 2 points; the other receives 1. (After all, it’s the “taking part that counts” right?!)

34) Draw a french-man’s moustache on your face with eye-liner and leave it for at least 30 minutes!

35) Grab some jokey hand-cuffs (before the hen do) and let another hen chain you to a fixed chair / table. You can only get out when you convince a stranger to unlock you using the key that’s “hidden” somewhere!

36) PHOTO CHALLENGE: Get a photo with the biggest group of random strangers. (Everyone in the group can have a go at this bachelorette party dare, and the person at the end, who has the most strangers in their photo, then wins double points!)

Hen Challenges

What Else Have We Got!?…

37) Ask a Doorman for a hug. 1 point if you simply ask; 2 points if he actually gives you one!

38) “Steal” someone else’s hat, wear it for 20 seconds, then grin and give it them back!

39) Pull a classic “Greek God” statue pose and hold it at the bar or outside the toilets for at least 2 minutes! Get the group to time you. If you move or laugh, the timer starts again. (That’s right, you have to do this one straight-faced too!)

40) Say “hey sexy” to 3 people you don’t know.

41) Do an impression of one of the hens in the group. Get everyone else to guess who the impression is of!

42) Get eye contact with a random stranger then below them a jokey kiss!

43) Single Ladies: Ask a guy for their phone number. (It doesn’t matter if he says no, this is all about having the COURAGE! And hey… you never know… it could very-well-be your future hubby! These things can actually happen!)

Let’s Keep Them Coming…

44) Choreograph a dance with two other hens then perform it for your Bride-To-Be. You have 5 minutes. The timer starts… NOW!

45) Challenge a stranger to a dance-off. (Note: this only counts if the act of taking it in turns to dance, happens!) Double points if the hen party award you as the winner!

46) Do the robot walk to and from the bar, when you order your next drink!

47) Do the macarena dance, at random when it’s not already playing, getting at least one stranger to join in with you! Note: you can’t ask them to join in, they just have to want to as it’s so fun and infectious!

48) Show the group a hilarious secret hidden talent that you have. (Without getting embarrassed!)

49) Call a tattoo shop and ask if they can tattoo 30 teardrops on your face. Tell them that it’s 30 teardrops to represent all the failed relationships you’ve had so far! Say that you “just can’t cope!” with everyone else getting married around you! (Hopefully there is 0 elements of truth to this one!) Apologise after for wasting a couple of minutes of their time, but tell them they’ve been a great sport!

50) Do the cringiest OTT “seductive” dance over to a stranger, all the way from the other side of the room.

Bachelorette Party Dares (For Everyone)

51) Do a shot without using your hands.

52) Ask for free shots from the bar as you’re a hen party. (You’ll have more chance of getting this if you’ve already spent quite a bit, have group hen sashes on, and have caused no trouble!) Double points if you manage to get the drinks. If not – try to get even just one for the Bride-To-Be, which will then earn you 1 point!

53) Use your teeth to take off an item of clothing from another group member. The funnier, the better. Socks is usually a winner with this one!

54) Walk to the next bar backwards, without holding on to anyone. Or hop there! (To win the point, you have to go the entire way!)

55) Go up to one person in the hen party and try to chat them up! Give your funniest, cringiest chat up lines – as if they were a stranger!

Hen Challenges

Let’s Keep Them Coming…

56) Get a group of unknown men to chant your Bride-To-Be’s name.

57) Go to the toilet, pop your bra on over the top of your clothes, and keep it like that until a stranger says something. (Note: you can’t ask them to say something but you can encourage them to ask / point it out by starting conversation with them!) (Double Note: this one may be a tricky one if your hen party is already in fancy dress – they may just think it’s part of the outfit!)

58) Do your best fake “O” while looking the person to the left of you in the eye.

59) Give a detailed presentation of something normal, but make it naughty and sexual. Present in the style of a TED Talk!

60) Choreograph a new dance inspired by the act of doing and folding laundry. Make it as sexy as you possibly can!

Group Bachelorette Party Dares

These dares are more like group challenges, to bring you all together and have a laugh!

61) ABSOLUTELY MUST: Make up a simple but funny (and totally original!) dance move. Throughout the day / night, if one person does the dance move, everyone else has to join in and do it as well, soon as they notice it. You all keep doing it until every single person in the hen party is doing it… By which point you can then all laugh and stop!

62) Take a sip of your drink every time [make up a condition here.] Because hey – you’ve got to have some drinking games at a bachelorette party, right?!

63) RISKY: All swap phones and send a text to the last person on the message list!

64) CUTE: All serenade your Bride-To-Be for a chorus of a song; singing and dancing in a circle around her.

65) On that note – take an EPIC album cover-style photo, as a group. (Think power-pose in front of a flashy car, or in a cool, urban area!)

Bachelorette Dares

Let’s Keep Them Coming…

66) Make a short, funny, group dance routine that you’ll do to a certain song. Request that song at every bar, and give it everything you’ve got, every time it comes on!

67) PACT: Before moving on from each venue, do a 30 minute group Irish dance on the spot before leaving. (Don’t worry if you’re terrible! Just jig away! Jig away!)

68) CHALLENGE: Each take a paper napkin and a pen. You have 2 minutes to see who can get the most people to sign their name on it. At the end – give these napkins to your Bride-To-Be as a souvenir!

69) CHALLENGE: Over the course of the evening, you must each find something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. Anyone who doesn’t – gets a forfeit!

70) HEAD-TO-HEAD: Go head-to-head with another hen in the group. Take an embarrassing toilet selfie, there and then, upload it onto your social media channels with a funny comment, and see who gets the most likes in the next hour. Each “participant” gets 1 point for this, the person with the most likes then gets 2!

Onto The Final Ones…

71) HEAD-TO-HEAD: Build a rude-shaped object out of things you can find around you. You all have 2 minutes. Each person has to then guess what object you’ve made. If they get it right, you get one point, BUT if you make something that someone else in the group has also made – you have to take a shot or down your drink!

72) Each take it in turns to do an impression of the Groom. The Bride-To-Be votes for the one she thinks wins!

73) CHALLENGE: Work together as a group to convince a stranger that your Bride-To-Be is actually famous! Struggling to think of their celebrity lookalike? Then convince them that the person she’s marrying is famous!

74) CHALLENGE: Every hour, a new player has to run around the room and high five as many strangers as possible in a minute. Keep a tally each time someone does it to see which player manages to get the most!

75) ONGOING: Whenever someone in the hen party shouts, “Who’s getting married?!”, your Bride To Be has to shout, “me!” back. Give them 10 seconds to answer each time. If they miss it and someone else shouts their name before them – they have to take a shot! Do this throughout the day. It’s super fun and addictive!

There We Have It!

So there’s our 75, super fun Bachelorette Party Dares to make your next hen party the funniest, most memorable and truly entertaining one yet!

Have fun. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to go a little WILD! (After all, your friend is only getting married once, right?!)


Bachelorette Party Dares
Photo of author
Ella Stearn
Ell is a Breakup, Dating & Relationship Specialist & Coach, with over 3 million annual readers, globally. As the Creator of Forgetting Fairytales, her mission is to help you learn to love yourself, find the right person to give your love to, then make it a love that truly lasts.

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