So you’re in a long distance relationship. You’re committed, you’re happy, but you want to make sure your partner feels loved, appreciated… adored even. (Cute!) Well my friends, here’s how to make him feel special in a long distance relationship – 10 things you can do, that shows your partner just how much you care.
How To Make Him Feel Special in a Long Distance Relationship
So when it comes to how to make him feel special in a long distance relationship – it’s all about the gestures.
- How can you show him how much you care?
- What can you do to show him you’re thinking about him?
- What gestures can you do – both when you’re together and apart?
Think outside the box. Do things you’ve never done before – but which you know you’d appreciate if it was the other away around. Have fun with it. Get creative!
And when you go about it with this approach, it only adds more joy and excitement to your relationship.
How To Make Your Boyfriend Feel Special in a Long Distance Relationship
So let’s get stuck in with some ideas for how to make him feel special in a long distance relationship – some quick-fire suggestions that you can get stuck into and apply.
We’re going to break this down into two categories – day to day, and when you want to go “all out.” So let’s start with the standard stuff…
1) Text Him Good Morning
So first up, a good morning text is a simple, easy, yet powerful way to make him feel special in a long distance relationship. Every day when you wake up – send him a little message.
It doesn’t need to be a lot, and you don’t need to speak throughout the day (you both have your own lives after all!) but it shows him he’s the first thing you think of in the morning and keeps you connected.
Recommended Read: 120 Cute & Original Good Morning Messages For Him
2) Phone Him To Tell Him About Your Day
Similarly then, little phone calls go a long way to show your boyfriend that he’s the person you turn to.
Stay connected with him by keeping him in the loop with your life, what’s happening and how you’re feeling (both when it’s good and it’s bad!)
Make regular calls. Just like you’d speak to a partner you live with when you get home from work, telling them about your day, do the same thing with your long distance boyfriend.
Show him he’s still a big part of your life – and make him FEEL part of your life, even when you’re not together.
See, the average long distance relationship couple, calls every 2.7 days… BUT 40% of long distance relationships actually fail, so to avoid being part of that figure, it’s always a good idea to STEP IT UP!
Little and often, really is key here. Little and often, little and often.
3) Be There For Him
Another thing that will mean a lot to him, especially in a long distance relationship – is if you make the effort to show him that you’re there for him.
So you may have a bit of a routine, your set times when you typically speak.
But let’s say he’s going through a rough time or has something important coming up… Send him an extra message, check in on him, give him a bit of love or encouragement.
Again, it just shows him that you’re thinking of him, and are important to him, which all builds into making him feel special and still connected – even when you’re apart.
4) Send Him Pictures
What else can you do, day to day to make him feel special in a long distance relationship? Well send him pictures – remind him of your beautiful face.
Don’t just send the “instagram-worthy” photos… send funny, jokey photos, or just fast little snaps when you’re out and about with friends, or chilling at home.
In fact, if you send him the kind of photos you wouldn’t send everyone – that’s a big way to make him feel special! It shows you love him and trust him, and are able to totally be yourself.
5) Make Plans Together
Another important thing for your “tick list” if you like, is to always have things lined up.
Make special plans that you can both look forward to. This one’s super important…
See, life can get busy – there’s no denying that. But you can show him he’s a priority (and a big one!) by making sure you always know when you’re next going to see each other and start to run some exciting ideas together for how you’re going to spend it.
Now this doesn’t mean you always have to have massive wild plans or crazy date ideas – like jumping out of a plane one month, hiking up a mountain the next! (Yikes!)
You can still do low-level, simple, free date ideas at home to get that all-important quality time in… Just don’t be half-hearted about it.
It’s just about showing him you’re thinking about what you can do together and wanting to both get to know him better, and make special memories with him.
How To Make Him Feel Special in a Long Distance Relationship
So there’s your base for how to make him feel special in a long distance relationship. But what else can you do? Well let’s step it up a notch now, with some of our favourite long-distance romantic gestures…
6) Create an Appreciation Jar
Next up, I want to throw out the idea of creating a DIY appreciation jar, as featured in our list of “Romantic Things To Do For Your Boyfriend” post (which is well worth checking out by the way!)
See, I love the idea of an appreciation jar particularly for long distance relationships, as it actually doesn’t take that much, but honestly means the world. What you need to do?
- Simply grab a small glass jar.
- Decorate it with ribbon.
- Create a heart out of card and write “Reasons I Love You”. (Attach this to the jar with a hole punch and your ribbon.)
- You can then write little love messages on folded-up pieces of paper, ready for your boyfriend to read!
The idea behind it, is whenever he needs a little boost of love, particularly when you’re apart – he can go into the jar and read a personal little message from you.
Write things like: why you love him, what you love about him, what you want him to know, how much he means to you.
If you want some ideas, click here for “100 Different Ways To Say I love You.” Just remember – the more personal the better. Try to say exactly how you feel!
Creating your own jar of love notes is sweet, thoughtful and the perfect way to make a long-distance boyfriend feel special. Following on from that idea then…
7) Write “Notes Until We’re Together”
Another similar idea, is to write notes until you’re together again.
So for every day that you’re apart, write small notes and number them, with the instructions of your boyfriend opening a new one each day.
They can just be short – yet sweet. And yes, you’ll still text. But there’s just something special about having the new surprise note to open each morning. It’s romantic!
It’s also fun too, and if your boyfriend wants to do the same back for you – all the better.
8) Write a Love Letter
If you want to write more, expressing exactly how you feel, then a love letter could also be a better route to go down.
Write one once a month, or once every few months – talking about the memories you’ve made since the last letter, and all the things you treasure and appreciate about your relationship.
These letters will be amazing to look back on. They become precious keepsakes and something to look forward to.
It also takes time to write and send a love letter – which again, helps to make him feel special in a long distance relationship. You’re all in on this, and are showing it with romantic gestures!
Again, this one is especially good if he returns the gesture. You then get “back to basics”, with “snail mail.” Cute or what? But it adds a different element to your relationship and helps to keep things exciting!
Recommended Read: How To Make Long Distance Relationships Work
9) Create a Cute Video
Depending on how long you’ve been together, creating a cute video is another romantic gesture to make him feel special in a long distance relationship. (It’s also super fun too!)
Compile all your photos and video clips together, put it with some music and get creating.
You can then share it on socials or (to avoid it looking “just for show”), send it to your boyfriend – either through a longer stretch of not seeing each other, or on a significant date for the two of you. On that note however…
10) Purposely Share Something On Socials
Long distance relationships are tough. You spend a lot of time apart, and it can be easy for the other person to feel disconnected or like, “do I even exist?!”
To show your boyfriend you love him, and certainly aren’t hiding him, however, a romantic gesture can actually be sharing something soppy on social media.
Like the “miss you” or “this man means the world to me” type post with a cute picture of the two of you.
You’re putting the two of you out there for the world to see. Because yes there’s going to be things that you keep private.
It makes it more intimate (like the video suggestion above for example – that should be sent directly to him first and foremost), but there’s also nothing wrong to be like, “This is my man, and damn, I’m proud!”
It helps to make your partner feel more secure, and the chances are – it will help you feel this way too.
11) Create a Memory Book
Next up then, another nice thing to do to make your boyfriend feel special in a long distance relationship, is to pull together a cute memory book.
Simply grab a scrapbook (this one is my personal favourite as it’s cute without being girly), start it off by printing out your favourite photos and glueing in any extra keepsakes (like tickets, cards, etc.)
Then – and this is the best part – every time you do something together, print / stick it in straight away. This means it grows as your relationship does, and gives you something to build together over time.
12) Plan a Special Virtual Date
If you’re missing your boyfriend, you think he’s missing you and he just needs a little boost of love, then surprise him with a cute virtual date.
See, there’s plenty of different virtual date ideas you can do, to mix it up each time.
Just tell him a time, set the day, tell him to wear a particular attire and meet him on FaceTime or Zoom – with everything fully set up, ready and waiting for him!
Not only will he be touched by the gesture, but then see exactly how much you mean to him.
You care, you want to show him that distance doesn’t matter – and that even when you’re apart, you can still feel close and together.
See, the internet has dramatically improved long distance relationships, with technology making them easier to sustain. So utilise these tools at your fingertips, to make him feel special in a long distance relationship, and help to make the two of you last!
13) Give Him a Nickname
Nicknames are cute as a whole. But they can be even more special and meaningful when you’re in a long distance relationship as it’s something that just the two of you share.
Every time, you hear that nickname – it reminds you both of the closeness, connection and bond that you share.
When picking your nicknames, go for something that’s unique and preferably relates to something you feel, or something that’s happened, or some sort of resemblance that’s there.
Here, have a look at these 50 Cute Nicknames For Your Boyfriend to get the inspiration flowing.
Once you have it, then use the nickname to make your boyfriend feel special.
14) Surprise Him With a Gift
We’re coming towards the end of our list for how to make your boyfriend feel special in a long distance relationship.
Remember, this is just the starting point – a quick brainstorm to get the inspiration flowing for your own ideas!
So what else must we include? Well, gift giving! This will be especially suitable if your boyfriends love language is “Receiving Gifts.”
When it comes to what to buy him however – don’t just go for anything. Try to buy something that has thought or meaning behind it. As THAT is what will make him feel special – it shows him you’ve put in real care.
Think of anything that he wants, but won’t treat himself to, anything that he likes but doesn’t get enough, or anything that he needs (but may not even realise!)
Send it in the post, or wait to give it to him in person. Either way, it’s another gesture to fill his heart with joy!
Recommended Read: Top 20 Long Distance Relationship Gifts
15) Surprise Him With a Last Minute Visit!
Last but not least then, if you want to make him feel special in a long distance relationship, go for the occasional last-minute, spontaneous, surprise visit!
This will be especially good if you didn’t expect to be able to see each other for a while, and if you don’t do it all the time. It’s more unexpected then!
Move things around – get to him when you can. You can either tell him a couple of days before, or not tell him at all and simply turn up. (Wahay!)
The latter option is a little riskier. You’ll need to make sure he will definitely be in and has no plans! But it’s certainly not impossible. So see what you can do!
How To Make Him Feel Special in a Long Distance Relationship
In summary, when it comes to how to make him feel special in a long distance relationship, it’s all about:
- Putting yourself in his shoes. What would you like? What would mean something to you?
- Thinking outside the boxes – going for romantic surprises and romantic gestures, as these CERTAINLY make any person feel special!
- Doing little things daily. This too is equally as important as it’s not just about making him feel special on the odd occasion, but making sure he feels secure and loved, every day.
Hope this has filled you with a few ideas. Your challenge? Do at least one of these this week. Go on! He deserves it. As do you.
Long distance relationships are tough – but if you can get through them, they’re always worth it and you’re left with an incredibly strong, healthy and happy relationship at the end.
Wishing you all the best! Take care.